How much more do we have to wait?

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 5 months ago

I didn't see the ghostbusters movies until about 92. When my parents finally decided to let me see them. I was only 6 or 7. I honestly liked 2 just as much as 1. But seeing as how Bill, Dan, Harold, and Ernie are all in their late 50s to almost mid 60s I really would rather it not even be done.

by jedimiller

14 years, 5 months ago

thats messed up. I saw the original film in the movie theaters…

I also saw GBII at a drive in like 3 times. (*ray)

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 5 months ago

thats messed up. I saw the original film in the movie theaters…

I also saw GBII at a drive in like 3 times. (*ray)

Some people weren't born pre-1984 and old enough to see it. Some weren't even born til after.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 5 months ago

I was born in 84, but was still waiting for GB3 since ‘89

I only got to see GB1 in theaters last year during the 25th anniversary

either way, if they do they do, if they don’t they don't.

You'll know just as soon as the rest of us.

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

i've seen GB2 in the cinema and i was a small bit disappointed when i saw it but never classed it as a failure or anything like that….it was'nt as good as GB but it is still a very enjoyable movie to watch and ever since that day have been wanting/waiting for a GB3 to be released……it will take as long as it takes to be made thats if it is going to be made…..i've been waiting for GB3 for a very long time just the same as you guys have….i've waited this long so a bit longer is'nt gona hurt to wait for a GB3 or for an offical anouncment to weather its actually going to be made or not (*winston)

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 5 months ago

I was born in 83. So while I was too young to see GB in the theater, I was just right when the cartoon started and by the time GBII came out, I was a huge GB fan. I remember being taken twice to see GBII in the theater (one by parents and one with friend and his parents).

I can wait for GBIII.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 5 months ago

I was born in 1978, so I could watch GB movies on theaters… and when I read rumours about a third movie back in 1997… I got excited… but it has being slow down the last 13 years with bulll$#it, rumours and cancellations… so, if GB3 is made, GREAT!! if it isn´t, it´s OK, I´m happy with the movies, cartoons, figures, toys, props and the videogame.

by GhostbustersRocks

14 years, 5 months ago

We don't have to wait much longer because Dan Aykroyd confirmed that he's taking a break from his Vodka Touring because of Ghostbusters 3. He said that Ghostbusters 3 will start Filming next Spring 2011 and the Weather will be Nice because when they filmed the last 2 Gb Movies it was in the Fall/Winter so at least when GB3 begans Filming next Spring the Weather will be Nice and Clear for Filming!!! 2 More Years and it will be here before we know it because 2012 will be Our Year for Ghostbustes 3!!!

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165413
We don't have to wait much longer because Dan Aykroyd confirmed that he's taking a break from his Vodka Touring because of Ghostbusters 3. He said that Ghostbusters 3 will start Filming next Spring 2011 and the Weather will be Nice because when they filmed the last 2 Gb Movies it was in the Fall/Winter so at least when GB3 begans Filming next Spring the Weather will be Nice and Clear for Filming!!! 2 More Years and it will be here before we know it because 2012 will be Our Year for Ghostbustes 3!!!

And how many times in the past has he said that a long with similar other things?

In the end, when it comes to the movies release a studio's word, f**k even a trailer or a teaser is more reliable.


Pardon my language

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters Rocks;165419
james You and Kingpin can Go To Hell! I'm Not starting Trouble you 2 Assholes are! F**k the both of you and take a F**king Hike *******!!!(*rant)(*flame)

Theres no-one here causing trouble on this subject bar you….you cant lash out and abuse everyone on GB3 when they say there waiting on a studio ‘'offcial’' realease on this……theres lots of gbfans out there,me included have heard dan,ernie,bill,and harold talking bout doing a GB3 but the matter is that GB3 has NOT got the green light yet to go in to production and yes i said ‘'YET’' because i want to believe that there will be a GB3 movie to be made…….your posting news on GB3 that we ALL know already and when someone replys to it with no evidance of calling you a lier you come back with a mature post as qouted above (*egon)