How much would Ghostbusters III cost to make?

by matthew1

19 years, 3 months ago

Could Sony afford to produce Ghostbusters III? Of course they could. They could probably put the money on the table tomorrow if they wanted to. Is it a financial gamble? Yes, but isn't every movie?

It is well known by us fans that one of the reasons why a third Ghostbusters has not yet been made is down to Sony's concern that it will be to expensive to produce. That the high cost of production may not be worth it's takings.

This made me think. How much would Ghostbusters III cost to make?

Firstly, theres the actors salaries. Now, I don't know on average what Murray, Ramis, Aykroyd, Hudson and Potts are asking these days but I'm sure that it's far more that it was since Ghostbusters II.

Then there's the special effects. I am unsure about this but I would think that computer generated effects would be cheaper to produce than making puppets, models and animatronics.

There's the prop's. Not much would have to be spent as the proton packs and other stuff from the preceding films could be used.

They would have to invest in a brand New Ecto 1. I heard the others broke down.

Paying to use the locations that they need.

I don't think they'd have to send huge amounts in order to promote the movie as everyone knows what Ghostbusters is and it is one of the most hotly anticipated sequels out there.

What do you think?

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 3 months ago

I agree that the cost for the special effect would be cheaper, because of all of the technology that has developed since the 80's. The major cost might be what they offer the actors/actresses, but I don't think it would cost that much to make the movie.

by matthew1

19 years, 3 months ago

Does anyone know how much Bill Murray is getting paid these days on average per movie?


19 years, 3 months ago

Well, you can definitely make a GB3 for under 100 million, but not too far under 100. Aside from what was already mentioned, NY filmming permits aren't getting any cheaper. Plus, the Ectos need a MAJOR overhaul before they're let back on the streets. But at best that's just a few grand. But, take into account the awesome movies like Punisher made for only 32 mil or Hellboy for 50 mil and you can see it can be done.

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

Ah but u forget, Punisher was shot here in Tampa, which is a LOT easier to secure filming permits and hire cheap crews (illegal Cubans, HELLO!) Filming in New York would probably be eating up a LOT of the budget.

by gjustis1

19 years, 3 months ago

And certainly don't count on reusing props…..the old ones are in terrible shape, or out of the studio's hands.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 3 months ago

After Bill's 150 million/or 98% of the gross paycheck, who knows…

by GB3

19 years, 2 months ago

From what I say here, these were from the ‘net reports of the time of GB3’s rumors. The GB3 budget was estimated to go up to $120 mil. Keep in mind this was when Dan Ackroyd had an initial draft and the projected budget came off that, and possibly lead into a cliffhanger for a 4rth film. Columbia/Sony supposedly balked at this and wanted Dan to cut out any unimportant scenes, hence the need to do another draft.
But the other thing that caused GB3's budget and negotiation problems was the pricetag that the actors/director wanted. Ramis, Ackroyd, Murray, Reitman asked for an amount (price + gross %, rumors up to 40% of the gross) that was way too high for Columbia to make the film with any financial returns for the studio . Ramis has always stated that the negotiations was the key reason for GB3 not coming. Then rumors that Murray changed his mind but still wanted money to not be in it.
The thing is the first two GB films costed around $30-$34 to make back then. By todays standards, that probably would have at least doubled. And also I always heard back in ‘89 after GB2 ended its theatrical run, it was the mockery gossip by the entertainment press that Columbia didn’t make much of a cent from the GB2's gross. That most of the earnings went back to the actors/talent. It was the mockery joke among hollywood that a studio couldn't make money from its own production. Gotta wonder if this is true.
What does Murray get for a film? I believe I saw it on the IMDB website or ET weekly mag, that he makes up to $9 mil a pic.

by d_osborn

19 years, 2 months ago

all of that was WAAAYYYY back from the late 90's. i'd be willing to bet that if GB3 were to get a greenlight tomorow, it would be a TOTALLY different concept. the hell thing, as aykroyd had on paper, has been done already with CONSTANTINE.