How the Hell do u get this thing to work ?please reply now

by Slimer388

23 years, 1 month ago

I tried everything, can someone give me a copy of “ Ghostbusters Doom for Dummies” please!, any way i've been FU**ing around w/ this thing for a week now and i can't get a god damn thing ! someone please give me specific step by step instructions please!

by GhostMedic

23 years, 1 month ago

I amin the same boat as Slimer 388 is. I have done everything that is supposed to be done and I keep getting th same error message. It keeps saying “Required Doom File Not Found”. have placed everything in the Doom 2 directory but no change in the game. Come guys give us a hand. Not computer talk just basic step by step instructions on how to get this damn thing to work. I ave been trying for over a month now to get this to work, so far I have had ZERO luck with it. Somebody HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by dopeklown

23 years, 1 month ago

I have all the files needed for the game but it won't work. I need the step by step insrtuctions also.