How to fix the community.


21 years, 6 months ago

Before I start the body of this post I want to state two things:

1. This post is not ant-Chad, anti-GBN, or anti-GBCentral.

2. This post is not anti-Netsolo, or anti-GBHQ.

So mods, please, delete any replies that have a strong one-sided ferver to them. Okay, here goes:

We've all heard the rumours about Chad wanting to “re-unite” the community. I for one, believe that he wants us all on one message board, and that is fine with me. Of course, it is only natural that Chad wants us all on his message board, just as Netsolo wants everyone on his.

This obviously isn't working well. The problem is, while some prefer GBC, others prefer GBHQ, and pretty much everyone has friends on both sides. So basically, we have to figure out the reasons why the community is divided. I believe these are the main reasons, and have divided them up by board:

People stay at GBCentral because:
-There are more members
-Many of their friends are there
-They support Chad

People go to GBHQ because:
-There are less members, and virtually no spamming
-90% of the real hardcore ghostheads post there
-They support Netsolo

Now without taking any shots at Chad, I am going ot explain why many people don't like him:

1. Everything he did in the first two years of GBN's existence, was to promote his “one site to rule them all” idea of a community. How else do you explain him registering ghostbusters.everyavailableextension and linking them to his site?

2. Wherever Chad goes, legal issues follow. Whether you believe they are real or not (and I believe some of them), the fact is, we have seen Chad delete three months worth of posts with no explanation. This doesn't work for the community, and it's what causes most of our problems. Also, for some reason, it's never a legal issue for Chad to broadcast episodes that he doesn't own the rights to over the internet.

3. His site policies. We're constantly being bombarded by rule changes, additions, etc. This really links up with number two.

4. His presence or lack thereof. There have been times where Chad has disappeared for months on end with no explanation. The “I have a life outside this site” excuse gets very tiresome, as we all have lives…well, most of us. Also, many members feel the Board Suggestions is a useless forum, because Chad rarely replies to any of the suggestions, and he is the only one who can do anything. I have seen posts go for twenty pages in that forum with no word from Chad. And then there's the banning of members…Nothing is done about most of the real troublemakers (spammers, rabid gb haters, and people sending virii), presumably because Chad doesn't have time. However, as soon as someone comes out and says “I don't like the way things are being run”, it appears Chad has loads of time.

Now, we need to come up with a way to solve these issues, and the fact is this:

Chad should not be running the community's biggest message board.

Now, before you think that this is massively anti-Chad, hold on one second and let me finish that thought:

Chad and Netsolo should combine their efforts.

Now I have no idea whether either party would be interested or not, but think about what I'm saying for a second. IF both Chad and Netsolo had an equal stake in ONE message board, I can garauntee that 99% of our problems would be solved.

Chad isn't around much, but Netsolo is.

Netsolo doesn't have internal contacts, but Chad does.

Chad isn't exactly known for helping the small guys, but Netsolo is.

Netsolo doesn't have the resources to host a board of this magnitude, but Chad does.

The changes recently made to this board are a good start, good enough to get me posting here again. But they are in no way a finished solution. More work needs to be done.

Ghostbusters Forever!

by sinister1

21 years, 6 months ago

That is amazing! I like that idea! Hoorah!

by PenguinKing

21 years, 6 months ago

i second this idea, i like chad and netsolo/troy i think both of them are great and try to post on both boards but wound up only posting here because of the hassel of searching both boards is such a hassel i don't have the time. which reminds me i should start posting over there again, heh. i think both should become one.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 6 months ago

I like this idea. I think we should go for it.

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 6 months ago

Those are all highly sound and good provisions for getting some positive influence in the community. But, don't you think that the alliance of Chad and Netsolo would start a domestic disbute between members of GBCentral and GBHQ? Also, will Chad and Netsolo be willing to put their differences aside and work together in the interests of the community? Lastly, if you combine both factions, then how does that bode for other Ghostbusters fan sites on the internet. I don't think its a good idea for there to be only one dominant GB-oriented site. That's seems too much like a Totalitarian stronghold. Ultimately, a better idea would be just the opposite. Chad and Netsolo should equally promote their sites and interpromote theirs sites to everyone in the community. Work together, but work separate from each other…venturing out for the same goal. > The goal to uplift and evolve the community from where it is.

Chad has the means and the networking contacts and Netsolo has the fan support and the favor of the community. The two can share ideas and brainstorm for both their sites and still advocate the Ghosthead commuity.


21 years, 6 months ago

Mr. No-Ghost, with all due respect, I believe that you've been around here long enough to know that it doesn't work like that, so let's quit pretending that it does.

Besides, we are now talking about one major message board, not one major site. There's a big difference between this and the old GBN. People would still have to visit outside sites to get real content, they'd just all come to talk about said content on one board.

On top of that, the community was doing just fine with this one board, before Chad took it back over. I'm not blaming Chad for this, but it did become a problem when he came back. If he and Netsolo were working together, the problenms with just one board would be solved.

And I, for one, do believe that Netsolo is big enough to put the differences aside and work with Chad. He's done it before.

And thank you, whoever the mod was who moved this post. You obviously didn't even read half of it. Good job. You really know how to set an example for the rest of the community.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 6 months ago

you know. the only real way to fix the ghostbusters community is to just go to gbhq or night squad. posting great extensive thought out ideas on how to fix this place is just a waste of your time.

by sinister1

21 years, 6 months ago

There's one reason why I don't post on GBHQ so much. Nothing to do with alliances at all… simple because I have more posts here and I'm used to it. I don't want to discuss the same thing on two different boards. It's silly. I go to NS, for NS chat… I go to GBI for some cool GBI action and I come here for GB talk. Regardless of what people say, the answer lies with one board. That way the community isnt
split and if this is the way to do it! So be it!

by protoK

21 years, 6 months ago

this is definitley a good idea, i think if Chad and Netsolo both put their differences aside maybe it would bring both sides closer together


21 years, 6 months ago

Forget it. Waste of time. Already my posts are being moved and edited by mods who aren't even bothering to read the whole thing. I wish I hadn't wasted my time writing that.