How to fix the community.

by Chad

21 years, 6 months ago

I am going to be short and sweet on this one. I don't think its such a bad thing that Netsolo and I have two seperate forums. At first I tried to get him to work with me, but it didn't work out. is acting like I was the one that branched out, when in fact, Netsolo was the one that seperated with the group. I also think it is unfair that you say I haven't helped smaller GB sites and that (citing your PM) YOU made the “REAL Ghostbusters Community chat” and that I should link to it instead of the one that is nicely intigrated into this member database. Apparently you weren't around for GBN and you didn't see what I attempted (and maybe didn't do so well) to help other GB sites out. This banner exchange is a simple way of helping others with more plans along the way.

When all is said and done, I agree with ProtonCharger. I am really trying to do everything I can to get things back on track here. Personally, after all that has been said and done and the fact that you have GBHQ and Nightsqad, I think you are beating a dead horse. I'm not quite sure what is so horrible about this place. Yes, you have cited broad (very broad) examples of what displeases you. But obviously if it isn't working out and you have 2 other places to communicate, I would think you would just reside there and stick to lurking here.

Nobody is forcing you to come here and post and nobody isn't welcoming you either. You are totally allowed to speak your mind, I just would hope that there could be some DESERVED peace and quiet for all the members of these forums for a change.


21 years, 6 months ago

Obviously you're not listening again.

You know for a fact that I was around for GBN. Don't you remember banning for me “legal reasons” and then forgetting to unban me for about three months?

I stated the reason people who don't like it here still post here – because it's the only way that they can communicate with many of the fans.

*heavy sarcasm coming on*

Thanks for answering my private message.

You are totally allowed to speak your mind
Can you please explain why my posts are being edited so that they need to be moved to another forum, and then moved there?

by Chad

21 years, 6 months ago
You are totally allowed to speak your mind
Can you please explain why my posts are being edited so that they need to be moved to another forum, and then moved there?

Your posts are NOT being edited by anyone other than yourself. Your posts are being moved to “Board Suggestions” because that is where they belong.

Also, I'm more than sure that Netsolo does not want to join forces. I also think the majority of the individuals who belong to that forum would not like that either.

by PrincessArtemis

21 years, 6 months ago

I'm pretty much with Mr. No-Ghost…

My personal feeling is that there should be a semi-centralized MB, but not to the discredit of other MBs or MLs. I LIKE diversity in my MBs and sites. I LIKE big sites and little sites. I think they should both exist. It's fine with me to pay have an ear's attention here and half an ear at GBHQ. I like GBHQ's more laid-back feel; it's pretty friendly and fun. I like this board's high number of intelligent people to debate with and discuss things (they're there at Net's MB too, just not in the same quantities) as well as the exposure.

I like them both, and I'd hate to lose the calm atmosphere of GBHQ if there was a combination.

I guess it's a bit like how I feel in the Tranformers fandom. I'm a member of a fairly small, completely insane and generally a great deal of fun MB that is not attached to the bigger boards or the USENET groups. That's fine! I like it that way. I might like the bigger MBs too, if I tried them, but for different reasons.

I guess that's just natural coming from a webmistress of a relatively unknown site…diversity is a Good Thing.

So, in closing…seperation is not a bad thing. I can say things at GBHQ I couldn't say here, and vice-versa. Let's leave it that way. I hope the harsh feel of this MB will go away…either that or I need to have someone come smack me any time they see me looking in this part of the MB…

(I do appreciate the banner exchange Chad has set up…not that I expect my site will ever get a lot of exposure, it's too narrow in scope, but it's a nice idea to let people know what's out there…even if it is limited to the people who come here and know there's a random link up there


21 years, 6 months ago

Your posts are NOT being edited by anyone other than yourself.

That is an outright lie. My very first post which started this thread has been edited. I have changed it back three times and it has been edited again and again.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 6 months ago

Also, I'm more than sure that Netsolo does not want to join forces. I also think the majority of the individuals who belong to that forum would not like that either.

thats for damn sure. count me for the snowballs chance in hell vote

by ajquick1

21 years, 6 months ago

Chad is acting like I was the one that branched out, when in fact, Netsolo was the one that seperated with the group.

What makes this the group? You did seperate this board from GBN afterall.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 6 months ago

AJ Quick
What makes this the group? You did seperate this board from GBN afterall.

not only seperate it, but grab back control.

by Chad

21 years, 6 months ago

AJ Quick
Chad is acting like I was the one that branched out, when in fact, Netsolo was the one that seperated with the group.

What makes this the group? You did seperate this board from GBN afterall.

I never said it was “THE GROUP”. Just meant that it was here before the HQ boards.

by CaptainN

21 years, 6 months ago

Now I don't post much at either one of the afore mentioned boards at all anymore. Although I usually stay neutral in these cases and not post, but I finally feel compelled to do so.

Let's just keep things the way they are right now, and DON'T change a thing!! It's things like this that make me come up with ugly scenarios, and stupid keystroke fighting in my mind. So just go wherever in the heck you want and knock this sh*t off!

I say the reason for this thread ended about 5-10 posts ago. So stick a fork in this thread because it's <u>DONE</u>! Granted I know this post will go on until it's asinine, so forget I said anything. Besides we're only shooting up zero's and one's on a magnetic surface so who cares!
