How to fix the community.

by sinister1

21 years, 6 months ago

Ok I'm gonna be a jerk here and use the chaos to promote Ghostbusters UK's board! :p

In all seriousness though… why can't we all just get along? I have friends on both boards, and I try to post on GBHQ from time to time. But come on… we just want to talk about one thing that's all!

EDIT This should not have been moved, please read what the Think Tank says:

Message Board Think Tank
Let the community have control of the values, rules, and common sense that motivates and encourages us to collaborate.

Is that not what this post is about?

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 6 months ago

AJ Quick
Chad is acting like I was the one that branched out, when in fact, Netsolo was the one that seperated with the group.

What makes this the group? You did seperate this board from GBN afterall.

I never said it was “THE GROUP”. Just meant that it was here before the HQ boards.

And for those of us who remeber when Chad asked all the other webmasters to try and use one board back in the GBC days will be quick to add that Netsolo merely revived a root…..Branching off would be if I went off and made a board…..Troy simply went back to a root.

by BlueWaveGB

21 years, 6 months ago

Actually I beleive that Netsolo only decided to branch off once it became an issue of Chad being the supreme leader of this board. Which he wasnt before. I look at it as Chad started a board the same time Net did. So Net Didnt branch off.

That whole Net does this Chad does this thing reminded me of the simpsons
Shopkeeper : “Take this object, but beware! It carries a terrible curse…”
Homer : “Ooh, that's bad!”
Shopkeeper : “…but it comes with a free frogurt…”
Homer : “That's good!”
Shopkeeper : “…the frogurt is also cursed…”
Homer : “That's bad!”
Shopkeeper : “…but you get your choice of topping…”
Homer : “That's good!”
Shopkeeper : “The toppings contain potassium benzoate…”
Shopkeeper: “…Thats Bad”

by wingsnut25

21 years, 6 months ago

I am still here for one reason I like the setup… I tend to fit in with the crowd over at Net-Solos boards a litttle better, but I do haeve some allegiance to this board, and some of the remaining people here…

as for post, I do agree with him, its a pain the butt to go back in forth between the two places….

I would have to agree that it really does come down to Ultimate Power…. The board was turned over to several members of the community, and they were really starting to turn some things around for the better. All of sudden, all of sudden everything got changed around because Chad decided he wanted to come back… And granted the board was hosted on his server which he was paying for, but we were given a deadline to find a new host, but you took over control before the date was even close…

With all do respect, I think most of us enjoy your prescense, but you really werent around enough to handle the board, I was one of the first Moderators of the era, and did a few small projects for the site… (never credited for by the way) and thier was the periods of time when the mods were left to fend off spammers creating hundreds of posts, and desperatley asking for a member to be banned, and to never here from you till months later, when the member had already left…

I think thier was a lot of good constructive critisicm in Ghostbusters.TKs post that was just blown off…

Look at the mod proccess it has been how long now and mods still arnt elected?

and witht he communtiy divided, i really have been laying low, only checking the boards maybe once a week rather then once or twice a day…

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 6 months ago

Look at the mod proccess it has been how long now and mods still arnt elected?

yeah. if you search around my older posts, you would see that i was one for wanting to have some rules given out. but i was one of the firsts to get banned from this board. how friggin ironic? i was banned because i didnt like back or his pissant craptacular humor. i didnt break any rules, did i.

by Chad

21 years, 6 months ago

Actually I beleive that Netsolo only decided to branch off once it became an issue of Chad being the supreme leader of this board. Which he wasnt before. I look at it as Chad started a board the same time Net did. So Net Didnt branch off.

For the record, this board is the next generation of the board handed down to me from Bill Emkow. It has gone through many incarnations (a simple perl board from matt's script archive that Bill and I modified, to an infopop board, back to that perl board – the temp. board, to GBN, now to this).

It is a little known fact that I do, indeed, help others. As I spent two days early this year implementing a php architecture for GBHQ as Netsolo was redesigning it.

When all is said and done, this stuff shouldn't be issues that really mean anything. We are a large community and we should help each other. It does not matter who started what first. There is more than one message board and I think the community should embrace it and, with the exception of very few, most are.

Past that, if you think the community really needs to be “fixed”, pick up the wrench yourself and contribute to make things better.

I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best…

Eleanor Roosevelt
Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway.

For the past few months, these have been words to live by for myself.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago

Eleanor Roosevelt is on this board!? But wait a second, isn't she d-dead?


by icerrose1

21 years, 5 months ago

I know how to fix the community… meet me outside the abandoned warehouse at midnight with some spirit gum, tin foil, three apples, a bottle of iodine, six pencils, a hamster, five AA batteries, and some electrical tape.

by brianreilly

21 years, 5 months ago

Icer Rose
I know how to fix the community… meet me outside the abandoned warehouse at midnight with some spirit gum, tin foil, three apples, a bottle of iodine, six pencils, a hamster, five AA batteries, and some electrical tape.

I'm there.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 5 months ago

Eric, will AAA batteries do the job?


It is now time for the Evil Toaster Cheesy Metaphor.

I see the community as a planet, let's just say, oh, Earth. Now, on Earth, there is not just one Country. There are hundreds of different Countries, of all sizes, shapes, colors, and age. Sometimes Countries will even divide into two or more smaller Countries. The people of Earth are totally free to travel from one Country to the next, although each person has his or her own favorite Country to stick around in. After all, each Country is unique and has its own special traits. If all of the countries unified themelves as a whole, it may seem like a fantastic idea, however, in essence there are more downs than ups to that line of thinking. It kind of relates to the theory of communism: it's a great idea to begin with, but unfortunately it will never work.

This particular idea may never work out, but, Brian, at least you're thinking and putting effort into the future and well-being of the community. Kudos to you, my friend.