How to fix the community.

by brianreilly

21 years, 6 months ago

Thanks Chris.

Unfortunately, this post has been edited, moved, misread, and mis interpreted by the vast majority. The point has been lost. I ask whichever mod is around next to delete this (don't just lock it), as it's a waste of space.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 6 months ago

Good to see you back, as well.

NO! Don't delete my metaphorical analysis, that took me a half hour to concieve!!!

by newworldorder1

21 years, 6 months ago

I have had my posts locked and deleted in the past because they supported brian and PC, and where in the proper boards, but some mods didnt like it(****er), so where locked. Free speach is non-existant.

I bet they keep this post to prove that it is(rolls eyes)


21 years, 5 months ago

Here's my two cents: I post on both boards. Why? GBHQ has a better feel…it feels like a one-horse operation like the first movie outlined. I like that feel. I'm still here ‘cause this is where I started out, but I’m slowly phasing myself away.

GBN looked like it was a good site once, but something got corrupted down the line. GBC had a chance to correct past mistakes, but hey, it's falling into the same dark hole. As much as I appreciate history, just my belief it's time to move on.

Combining the boards ain't the way to go. Pick and choose where ya wanna be…or just suck it up and do both, what's an extra five minutes?

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 5 months ago

they're just message boards…they're a dime a dozen, do whatever you want, there is nothing to fix, just be cool and remember jesus loves you!


21 years, 5 months ago

Never met him.