How to prevent Ghostbusters from failing...again

by obiwan176

21 years, 9 months ago

I feel that Master Spider is right. The only reason EGB failed was the advertising and marketing. The only reason I found out about it was I stumbled upon it one Saturday morning and after that it never really had a permanant airtime spot. It was not that bad of a show but it was not great either. For this revival to work there needs to be some very good advertising and marketing to let people know about. I think that it is just as popular today as it has always been but the general public has not had anything to feed their appetite.

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 9 months ago

Actually, the advertisement wasn't that big of a problem for me. I knew about it because of the toys. But I still missed out on it because I didn't get the channel the cartoon came on.

And to the guy who mentioned color: They've been doing color so far (transformers is color, right?) and our Ray drawing and all of the previous case studies (minus the pencils) were in color.

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

Egb failed for lack of ads and poor air time. It aired at 8:30 on WB when everybody has left for work or school. As long as this dosent have any problems of the sort(poor advertising,poor distribution), I feel that this will succede. But we can always help with some GB garb and flyers

by Tobin2027

21 years, 9 months ago

Here's another way….BUY THE STUFF!!!! Buy two copies of each edition. That's what Im gonna do. Also, try and get the little kids interested. I plan on getting my brother into collecting the comics too.

by roshangar

21 years, 9 months ago

I'll tell two people and they'll tell two people, and that's like ten people right there!

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 9 months ago

Well Tobin, the problem with that is, it's not meant for little kids, it's aimed mostly at teenagers and young adults, I believe. I'm pretty sure it will do well though. And I never knew EGB was on WB

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

There are MANY ways to prevent this Revival from failing. First of all, they should use THE GHOSTBUSTERS FACT LIST for characterization and to avoid errors in continuity and confusion. And second of all, they should take notes on the following things that lead to the failure of RGB and EGB:

Reasons why RGB eventually failed (NOTE: These are pretty much all from the later Seasons.):
1.) Blue cartoony-looking equipment.
2.) Anything and Everything from or like Slimer! And The Real Ghostbusters.
3.) Professor Dweeb.
4.) Slimer with totally coherent speech.
5.) Junior Ghostbusters.
6.) The “new” Peter (Dave Coulier’s Dr. Peter Venkman, W/ his acceptance of Slimer, and calling him “Spud” in a good way.).
7.) The “new” Janine (Replacing Laura Summer with Kath Soucie, and making her a Kid-Friendly Mother-Figure W/ an irritating annoying Helium-sounding voice.).
8.) Cartoony-looking art style, like the kind on Slimer! And The Real Ghostbusters.
9.) The TMNT (Although, nothing could have really been done to stop them.).

Reasons why EGB failed (Many of these are points made by Zack, that I copied, edited, and pasted together. So thank you, Zack!):
1.) Like what Ghostbuster_D and Master Spider said, the only reason EGB existed was to promote a Toy Line, that was no better than EGB, itself. Which goes to show that EGB was NEVER a revival, it was just an attempt to squeeze the last penny out of an already considered dead franchise.
2.) No advertising was made whatsoever. How were Ghostheads and little Kids (Who could’ve become Ghostheads.) supposed to find out about this attempt to squeeze the last penny out of an already considered dead franchise, I mean, this Cartoon promoting a Toy Line, I mean new Cartoon? It wasn’t even on at a reasonable time (Or Network?).
3.) Being let down with no new GB Movie (Ghostbusters III.), after this Series with a new Team came out, kinda brought people down too (Of course, that issue can be worked around and ignored this time. s).
4.) The art style was lazy. Most off the time, the Ghost isn’t in the No-Ghost Logo. Some sort of legal issues also prevented them from using RGB Likenesses and even the Ecto-1’s Likeness! How cheap was that? So they decided to make Egon, Janine, and the other RGB’s (When they came back.), look like they were 80-years-old. Slimer looked horrible. Going from your early/mid-thirties to looking like you’re in your eighties in just six years is a bit odd, isn’t it?
5.) The jokes on RGB had a lot more wit to them as they were Adults and the RGB’s were overall more solid characters. RGB had classic dialogue. There are ZERO memorable lines from EGB.
6.) They didn’t really use the history of the Ghostbusters Movies or RGB, which was one of their biggest mistakes. It lead to many errors in continuity, and confusion.
7.) The Characters were boring. Normally, you'd sympathize with Someone in an episode of RGB, in EGB there was no reason to get behind any of the characters. The EGB’s were all incredibly dull all the time. There was no reason to care about any of these new people. They were terribly weak. They hardly had any personality or Character development. We tried to get to know them but it didn't happen. Janine and Egon were REALLY pathetic. No one was ever having fun or enjoying Themselves. They were lifeless Zombies. They were extremely boring. Janine’s personality just wasn't the same as that First Season RGB Janine. Also, the Characters were too Politically Correct. The RGB characters each came to have separate identities. The EGB’s can be sadly be summed up as the Latino Punk who kinda looks like Dr. Peter Venkman, the African American who kinda looks like Winston Zeddemore, the Nerdy Goth Reject, and the Wheelchair Guy who kinda looks like Dr. Raymond Stantz. Half of them didn’t even care to wear a Jumpsuit. Eduardo didn’t even take the whole business seriously.
8.) The new equipment was illogical and cheap-looking. It basically caused a HUGE error in the continuity of the Movies, with plasma canisters, and statements about the original equipment couldn’t be used, b/c it wasn’t powerful enough.
9.) The music was horribly depressing (There were NO lively tunes whatsoever.). It was basically that one annoying funeral-sounding song with the French horns. We know EGB was a darker show, though.

Those things that I listed above were unfortunetely true. Hopefully, none of those mistakes will ever be made again. :0 :O :s :d

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

Doc I ask you to stop makeing posts just to advertise your other posts as well as your Fact List.

by evil_toaster

21 years, 9 months ago

Sorry Matthew, I agree… There's nothing wrong with elaborating (as you've proven that you're talented at), but if you're going to post a lot of information, try not to stray off topic too much. This thread isn't about why RGB/EGB failed (although it is important to take it into account), but about how we can promote the new comic series. Besides, concise is classy.

Well, just after I read the article, I sent a message to most of the people on my ICQ contact list and provided a link the the article. Mind you, it doesn't really help, because I just end up pi**ing people off with my “Ghostbusters stuff” all the time.

But the weekend it hits stores here I plan on raiding the local comic book shop in full uniform. And I advise the rest of you to do so as well.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Actually, that Fact List isn't just mine. It's Kingpin and Veedramon's, too.

And I apologize, evil_toaster. I was trying to point out mistakes that lead to the failure of RGB and EGB.