How to prevent Ghostbusters from failing...again

by evil_toaster

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey, don't worry about it, I know you're just trying to be helpful! I didn't mean to offend you or anything, and if I did, I'm sorry. We're all buds here.

By the way, a short while ago in the local comic shop, I saw a poster for a new Transformers Comic book, I think. Is there any chance of a poster like that being produced for the new GB Comic?

by RunDMC

21 years, 9 months ago

I'd hardly say RGB was a failure at all. It run it's course and lasted for bloody ages. There are very few cartoon series that last that long and stay popular almost throughout.

The problem is all good series eventually come to an end. The changes you say are the death of the show will have actually been done to make it last longer. The show will have been dying naturally as all crazes do and changing it to Slimer & RGB and adding the Dweeb etc were just attempts to make it different so it lasts longer. OK so they didn't work but they didn't kill it. It was just its time.

by Tobin2027

21 years, 9 months ago

RGB a failure?!?! WHAT?! Where you watching the same show as I?! I wouldnt call a show that ran for 5 years and sold millions of dollars in merchandise a failure. Dang, just cause it didnt last 20 years doesnt mean it failed. Shows eventually die down, that doesnt make them failures. All good things come to an end. RGB is one of the most successful cartoons of all time. Everyone knows that, now EGB is another story…

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

Evil Toaster there are plans for items such as posters.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Tobin2027, no one said RGB was a failure. We were saying that it would have lasted a few more seasons if not for the things that I listed above. I LOVE RGB with every thread and fiber in my tender heart! :s :d Take a look at my Signature, and my Signature Image! RGB always has been, still is, and always will be cool. :s :d

And there will definitely be posters, evil_toaster. Lots of them. We can use them ourselves to advertise, if We want to.

by Glycerine

21 years, 9 months ago

Hmmm.. As for advertising, someone said running around heavily populated malls in full GB gear. Something tells me I wouldn't go that far. I could always offer to try and get people to buy it like that in the bookstore if it would help. I doubt it though. Not to mention I know that I know if I could convince my friend's shop to order it, although it is a comic store, they'd most certainly have me in there in full gear trying to sell it. I'll probably have to hit the mall sometime this week to catch the manager though. Last time I went to the bookstore he wasn't in, so I'll have to let you guys know what happens. Oh, and the only reason that I'm giving him the press release from both sites is because then he might think it's a bit more credible and not think that it's just something that someone posted on here to get our hopes up. I'll have to let you guys know how it turns out.

by back

21 years, 9 months ago

If anything as far as advertising goes, not only posters in the comic book shops but advertise it in other comics! As we all hope, this may just be a first step into something bright, fresh and new with the ghostbustin spirit. another cartoon or movie? perhaps. but im really wondering what 88mph has in mind for advertising.
im gone.

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

Well I think the poster on the main page gives us some clue.

by NightScream

21 years, 9 months ago

rgb came back in like 1998 right? they showed it when the “fox family channel” was starting up.. and it seemed like a sort of.. “demo” run? i don't know.. but the original was definately not a failure. things die eventually… it just ran it's course. i loved it though… now that i look back it seems very dark though.. for a kids show.

egb was too obscure, i agree. i was watching the show on upn (and when it switched to WB as well) and one turn of the season it just.. dissapeared. under-advertised.

the key to getting things going again is promotion… i mean hell, there are thousands of members on this board.. obviously GB fans EXIST somewhere.. we just have to let each other know things are happening.

by KWilliams

21 years, 9 months ago

Keep their heads above the slime might be easy enough.

1. They are keeping the original characters, where EGB failed. No Peter, Ray, and Winston, and you don't really have Ghostbusters.

2. They are basing the look on the movie, which is what caused everyone to fall in love with the GB's to begin with.

3. Word of mouth and advertising. With a comic book it will be harder, because you can do commercials for cartoons on TV. The comics will HAVE to be exquisite, faithful to the GB fans, and have good stories to make it nowadays. That's what will get the word-of-mouth rolling. Besides a few magazines, other comics, and comic book stores, I'm unsure what other possibilities there are for advertising–but it seems limited. (?)

4. I've contacted an acquaintance who works at Palisades that's currently making the greatly-detailed Muppets action figures and asked them to check out the press-release, because I don't want just ANYBODY making the figures if they get made. I think that GOOD, well-articulated figures with useable accessories would be good.

5. Maintain a continuity in products and how they look, keeping the look of the comics consistent with what's produced for sale.