by ecto6661

21 years, 11 months ago

Now,the first problem for gb3 is that Bill Murray doesnt want to make it and he has rights on the mark “GHOSTBUSTERS”.My answer is:does murray have rights also on tv shows like RGB and EGB?I think that only Aykroyd and Ramis who created the carachters have some rights.Now,the concepts of Extreme Ghostbusters and GB 3 are very similar and if murray doesnt have rights on the show sony could consider a new ghostbusters movie as an
live action version of its show…I know that egb wasn't good but think abaut this:the only things that the movie and the show would have in common would be the name of the carachters.The story would be the hell idea of aykroyd maybe rewritten by a younger writer and than re-rewritten by the old Ramis that would direct the movie.I think that this could be a solution.

by Jmoney

21 years, 11 months ago

Sounds good to me, but I think we could be seeing a GB3 within the next 2 years if this revival does well.

by Andrew_Crow

21 years, 11 months ago

Dammit, am I REALLY the only EGB fan here? I still think that a movie of EGB, based on its first two episodes (when they BECOME the EGB) would make a good GB3. Just go into detail more about certain aspects of the show (such as Kylie and Eduardo's love/hate relationship, and continue with Eduardo's lame insults that backfire constantly), add more dialogue, and you can stretch that 45 minutes worth of television into a 95-minute long feature.

by Jmoney

21 years, 11 months ago

No you arent the only EGB fan here. I loved the series. I think it would have been a HUGE hit if it had a better time slot and was on a better station. When EGB came out, I stocked up on anything EGB. Even though I loved EGB, I still agree that RGB was better.

by ecto6661

21 years, 11 months ago

I don't think that the idea of egb was bad,I only think that the way they made it wasn't good.The caracthers' personalities weren't ghostbusters personalities: they were not funny.I also think that Garret was an insult for people with his problem:they wanted to make a politically correct show but you don't need to be a ghostbusters to show that you are a nice person.If the new gb movie will be egb(I think that it's a very better title than gb3)we need to change gb personalities.
Roland would be the new leader and i think that Chris Rock could be a good leader. Eduardo would be play by John Leguizamo and he would have a relationship with kylie(Christina Ricci)similar to Peter and Dana relationship.Garret would be a weapons lover that wants everytime more powerfull proton packs and that has a father who is an ex-marine(John Goodman)that never accepted the fact that his son is a ghostbusters. During the movie,when new gbs would be in hell goodman would join the old busters to help his son and his fellas.The new major would be Jim Belushi.Aykroyd and Hudson would help Egon and his school to fight hell.I also think that gb3 would be considered the end of a franchise and EGB would be considered as the beginning of a new franchise:we all want new franchise to come!

by Proton_User

21 years, 11 months ago

EGB was the worst GB series and show and the music was deppressing!!

by Mat

21 years, 11 months ago

I saw it…once.

by lee4040

21 years, 10 months ago

Iithink that andrew crow guy was right abot having the first to egb episodes made into gb3. With it's theme song it would make a crackin movie

by jamsem81402

21 years, 10 months ago

I also agree that the concept of EGB being used as the story line of GB3 would be a great idea. Using the carachers from EGB, scripts Dan Aykroyd has written, and the film being directed by either Harold Ramis or Ivan Reitman would make a very successful GB3 film! :d I think Sony should consider making GB3. I'd love to see GB3 become a reality.
I wonder which band would make a decent GB3 theme song?

by Tobin2027

21 years, 10 months ago

I too wonder who would do a new theme, just anything but RAP. RAP is CRAP and would give GB3 a bad name. It was perfect for GB2 but RAP has changed alot since then and would make GB3 really crappy.