I have to confess, but I always skip “I Can Wait Forever” when I listen to the GB soundtrack. In fact, I didn't even know where in the movie it was featured until I heard it on that removalist guy's walkman as he's cleaning out the GB's office on campus. I know Air Supply are Australian and as an Aussie I should be excited about Aussie artists being on the Ghostbusters soundtrack, but I can't really relate to Air Supply.
But I really love “Savin' The Day” and “In The Name Of Love”. I also dig “Magic”. That's a cool song. I think the guy who wrote that song must've been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd at the time, because it's got a really ‘spaced out’ sorta feel to it, hehe.
I think both GB1 and GB2 soundtracks are really typical of the era they were made. GB1 is full of “hair bands” like the Thompson Twins and stuff, and GB2, being from the late 80's, is full of rap and MC Hammer-esque sorta stuff. Those albums are like period pieces of the 80's