How would everyone think of an anime Remake of Ghostbusters

by ridge012002

20 years, 6 months ago

I just had a thought about anime,I'm not talking about a cheap rip off,nothing really new except use some of the stuff that was cut out of the original movie (Anybody that owns the newest DVD will know what I'm talking about) Then make a sequel that follows the story line of the comics, and then a re-make of Ghostbusters2,and then Ghostbusters3.

I think it would be pretty cool but I just hope that you guys don't go ape shit on me for mentioning it.

by sam1

20 years, 6 months ago

I don't think it'd be worth while for anyone to remake the movies. It'd be cool, but not worth the time & money.

Anybody that owns the newest DVD will know what I'm talking about

Are you talking about the 15th anniversary edition? or some newer more awesome version that I don't know about?

by back

20 years, 6 months ago

Honestly Id like to see a full feature film created by 88mph Studios about Ghostbusters. with a similar taste of Titan AE to it.
im gone.

by lordvego1

20 years, 6 months ago

Honestly Id like to see a full feature film created by 88mph Studios about Ghostbusters. with a similar taste of Titan AE to it.
im gone.

That would be genius… Titan AE was amazing… but the problem with that is if it was 88 MPH, I would say it should be straight to video, because you can't throw and alternate universe out there in the theatres.. people would get thrown off

by sinister1

20 years, 6 months ago

Id WANT to see it straight to video. SO it doesnt throw the current GB universe.

by Dougy

20 years, 6 months ago

I reckon that would be awsome. Not, perhaps, a remake of the films, but rather a new animated on going series or stand alone film. That is a brilliant idea!

by roshangar

20 years, 5 months ago

It'd be great to see something animated out of the comic, but not anime.

by divia1

20 years, 5 months ago

I'd like a new cartoon. But, I think any cartoon you get now is gonna have some elements of anime in it 'cause thats what all the kids love.

by lthandley

20 years, 5 months ago

I hate Anime, that's just my oppinion though. I can understand why other people like it, I just don't. Therefore I'd hate to see a remake of Ghostbusters in Anime.

by divia1

20 years, 5 months ago

I'm not an Anime fan myself, but the kids love it.
I could see elements of anime being placed in the show, but I dont want to see big eyes crazy hair and all the other stuff that comes with anime.
Although, wasnt RGB anime? Or a form of it?