HQ/GBN Topic of the Day 2/17/02 - Dan Aykroyd

by NetSolo

23 years ago

More fun than the cup and ball game ladies and gentlemen here it is, our first discussion in the Topic of the Day:

Should Dan Aykroyd pick up the saber and shield and go back to battle for Ghostbusters 3 or just let the old girl go and leave the franchise alone?

Personally, I would like to see Dan crusade on for the cause of Ghostbusters 3. Sure it could be argued that the sequel could turn out to be a lesser installment of the series but it would be nice to see things brought to a close, and to just see the boys in grey back up on the big screen. In addition, the level that special effects are at right now would allow Aykroyd and Ramis to write anything that their imaginations brought them. And that could spell Oscar. . . okay, so I'm dreaming but still it would be an interesting feat.

And now: your thoughts, Ghostheads!

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

I agree, but I also agree on a new cast. Chris Rock, Jimmy Fallon, and Jack Black! (Sorry, I just had to smile.) And the special effects, who knows what kind of creepy stuff they could do nowadays.

by DocEggman

23 years ago

Unless Aykroyd can assemble a great cast like he did with the original quartet, he should leave the idea on the backburner… Go watch MIB2 instead. smile

by NetSolo

23 years ago

Good call Master Spider… honestly, I'd like to see Bruce Campbell, Jack Black (absolutely), Samuel L. Jackson (think about it), and John Cusack suit up in GB uniforms. But that's a different topic for a different discussion. smile

by BoHolbrook

23 years ago

I think GB3 is better left asleep.

by Chad

23 years ago

I disagree,

I think GB III should be made and I think Dan would be right to fight for it. However, it all depends on what the premise of the movie would be, who would star, etc.

by NetSolo

23 years ago

Chad's right- Dan needs to avoid jumping the gun and moving ahead with the film if he doesn't get the casting he wants (example: Jim Belushi not being available for Blues Brothers 2000)

by Zebrapix

23 years ago

How it COULD work…

Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis write a script that is SO AMAZINGLY GOOD that;

1) Ivan Reitman agrees to direct it.
2) Bill Murray agrees to return
3) Sigourney agrees to return
4) Sony agrees to pony up $50+ million to make it

So the onus is on Aykroyd and Ramis to put down the sabres and shields and create a project worth producing.

There seems to be the assumption that Dan Aykroyd is the master of Ghostbusters, which to a certain extent is true, but keep in mind he's been the master of other comedy classics and come up short.

A case in point - Blues Brothers 2000. Those of us who grew up on Aykroyd and Belushi, followed their careers and held Blues Brothers as a film for our generation. We wanted to see them do a sequel. When Belushi died, that dream died with it, except for the extreme hardcore “Blues Brothers for the sake of Blues Brothers” fanatics and Aykroyd himself. So, just because they COULD and not because there was any real point, it was made - and a larger plate of turdburgers is hard to find.

I hold the original BB as one of the top five comedies of my generation. GB is also on that list. Animal House, Stripes and Caddyshack are the others. Remember how bad Caddyshack 2 was? I actually shelled out money to see that stinker in the theater. Another classic that could and should have been left alone.

So you have Aykroyd who PROVED he could take beloved icons of his and past generations and turn out disappointing material (Dragnet, Coneheads, BB2K) I have to say Dan should NOT be regarded as the Gene Roddenberry of the Ghostbusters franchise. He needs to be watched closely and edited as he was for the first movie.

by MasterSpider

23 years ago

And I have to bring up again Dan's quote of “the best devil script to come out of Hollywood.” Would someone as big and important as him make a claim like that if it wasn't true? I don't think so. Think, a funny movie that hits you with big scares. Killing 2 birds with one stone!

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Akyroyd should just bury the hatchet on this one, his dream was realized and shared by millions. GB2 ended the saga, GB3 would disturb the peace.