HQ/GBN Topic of the Day 2/17/02 - Dan Aykroyd

by Zebrapix

23 years ago

Again, I have to mention that anyone who has a $10 million payday on the line will say it's the greatest thing to ever slither under the door to grab you by the naughty bits.

by NetSolo

23 years ago

I would have to agree that the script just has to be magnificent, nothing half-assed. But you also do need to keep in mind that when you get Aykroyd and Ramis penning a film together (which Ramis did NOT help on BB200, Coneheads, etc.) that you have one of the greatest comedic writing teams ever writing a script. That's not something that you can dismiss quickly.

I think Ramis keeps Aykroyd in check while providing great comedic material, while Aykroyd dreams up the most out of this world situations, and that is what makes the Ghostbusters collaborations so great.

by Texasgb

23 years ago

I agree. Ramsis and Aykroyd make a excellent team. I also think Aykroyd should try to talk to Murray and sony to push for GB3 to be made.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

It would be interesting to see how many people would attend GB3 if it were to actually hit the boxoffice. Ramis and Akyroyd do make a good team but considering its been a good 12 years they may need some new material wink

by NetSolo

23 years ago


I would imagine that quite a few people would attend considering what a large part of pop culture Ghostbusters has become. Walk into the lobby of the Directors Guild of America and what do you see immediately to the left? A portrait of Murray, Aykroyd, and Reitman working on the set of the original film.

It still is very much a part of the culture both here and overseas. I would imagine that if the film were marketed and presented in the same manner as the first two films people would say “Wow, another Ghostbusters film, I can't wait!”

by Chad

23 years ago

Remember kids, nomatter how good the script, there will always be politics involved. Now might not be the best time for Ghostbusters III (politically or otherwise), but I have faith (and a little hope) that it will be made in the next 5 - 10 years.

by NetSolo

23 years ago

I'm with Chad- I really do have the gut feeling that we'll see the new film within the next few years, and it WILL be worth the wait.

It's inevitable that GB3 or something similar will be made. Besides, I've said it once and I'll say it again, remember all the hardships that GB2 endured before finally being realized?

by Zebrapix

23 years ago

I gotta say, folks: I love your hope and optimism and I will bow reverently should it come and meet your expectations.

by FaNBoY3000

23 years ago

I absolutely support the idea for Ghostbusters 3,I've been lobbying for it for years now.I've signed dozens of pietitons,heard all the rumors,and even tried to team up some “Back to the Future” fans,seeing as how they are sharing in an almost smae plight.I think it will get made.We are in the midst of an 80's comeback,heck there's even a whole show dedicated to it(awesome show by the way).It is impertive that this movie get made.Dan is a smart man,and I absolutely see this movie being made within the next 8 years. wink

by Ecto1A

23 years ago

As much as I'd love to kickback and watch the Boys bust some heads on the Big Screen, I'm not a big “Ghostbusters 3” supporter.

The premise was getting a little tired even in GB2. Ghosts invade (only) New York City for a few weeks. The Ghostbusters kick some ass, and everyone is happy. Great, but that was the whole plot of BOTH GB films. Another film along the same lines would definitely be “bad”.

I'd like to see a new Ghostbusters cartoon; (EGB doesn't count, because it was horrible) something brillantly animated, hilarious, and more geared towards an older audience (17 and up.)
