HQ/GBN Topic of the Day 2/17/02 - Dan Aykroyd

by Texasgb

23 years ago

We do not know how much influence Reitman had on Aykroyds scrypt. Aykroyd was not able to defend that statement

by Zebrapix

23 years ago

In the commentary on the Ghostbusters DVD, Reitman and Ramis discuss sitting down with Dan and his 40 pound script to revise it into a workable movie, so the Ghostbusters you know is a product of Reitman, Ramis, Medjuck, Gross, and Murray.

Otherwise it'd be Coneheads II: Death to the Living.

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

All the great movies were made into a trilogy. It'd be nice if it was “completed” that way. look what happened to the Jurassic Park series: 1)phenomenal 2) awful 3) apology with an okay movie.

Look at “Star Wars” (the rebellion era)

As lots of people know, Our theatre in Saginaw, MI, is having a rerun screening of GB, and sony knows that we're mega-promoting it. If it sells out completely, maybe SONY might think it over a little, and perhaps we can see a possible GB3……I'm not holding my breath, though.

by drugasbuster

23 years ago

i think that ramis and aykroid should write the script with the supervision of murray, bring back reittman to direct it and put one some new characters, plus the original team…

by joecamardo

23 years ago

Even if GB3 wouldnt have the original cast doing the “ghost catching” they could still be there as CEO's of the Ghostbusters company, and run things.

It might have been possiable to have the same cast do the “ghost hutning” a few years ago though. As in 1995-1997 would be prime years for the same cast to come back and take on new generations of ghosts and such….

by joecamardo

23 years ago

Even if GB3 wouldnt have the original cast doing the “ghost catching” they could still be there as CEO's of the Ghostbusters company, and run things.

It might have been possiable to have the same cast do the “ghost hutning” a few years ago though. As in 1995-1997 would be prime years for the same cast to come back and take on new generations of ghosts and such….

by canadianGB

22 years, 12 months ago

I would like to see the original gbs in a third movie, but I think the whole point is most fans want to see a new story with all the visual effects people get tired of having to always use their imagination while reading a book.Thats what movies are for.Some make you think others you are a zombie and Ghostbusters can make you do both with a good plot and good visuals.Throw some decent actors in it and you got a fairly good movie.Fans can argue that EGB proved to be a GB failure and use that as a reason they shouldn't make another but that was just a stupid cartoon.(no offence)I don't mind the show but to even use the EGB concept with some fixing it up can make a great show.Basically Fans want to see a new movie.But with Quality.

by StayinPuft

22 years, 11 months ago

When I first heard about GB3 I almost pissed my pants I was so excited…. Now I have some reservations about the whole thing….. Maybe it would be to just let the Ghostbusters series die… But no… I can't say that I love GB and would love a third, but if it has Will Smith or some other annoying punk in it count me out.

by bigpapi428

22 years, 9 months ago

jeez talk about diggin up old threads,
i think by now everyone has had a few different feelings on this so called third installment. if anyone else remembers when it first came to light in 1999, dan akroyd also said that it would be perhaps a third movie and a fourth to contain wha this script called for. also it would be why sony is scared do this project. personally as die-hard a fan as i am, i would personaaly love a third and even a fourth to the franchise, but i know this is never going to happen anytime soon. i would much rather see something happen now. again i go back to the other posts i have done and using transformers as a reference. transformers have all these new things coming out because of the fans. i know for a fact that we have just as many if not even more fans than transformers or any other 80's type property. the transformers have new toys/ a new animated series/ a new comic book/ and new books( actual novels) being written. i would love to see this happening to the gb's in any sort of way shape or form. it just has to happen sometime before i die.
in the end it goes to show what can be done with the right level of participation…..

by GB3

22 years, 9 months ago

I am hoping that Sony gets back to doing GB3. For awhile there Sony was desperate to get any hit films during their Columbia/Tri Star purchase in the mid ‘90’s. All they have (as I mentioned before in my “GB3 analysis” thread) are Spiderman 2, MIB 3? maybe, Mask of Zorro 2, DEAD Godzilla and I forgot “Stuart Little”. GB3 in some way sooner or later will be needed, hopefully.
I do agree that Dan Ackroyd's idea for GB was heavily out of whack (GB's in space?) and that Reitman and Ramis heavliy fine tuned it to being down to earth and in NYC. I saw a transcribed article on a GB fansite that Dan was interviewed behind the scenes and again he admitted that his idea story for GB2 was Dana (or was it her baby) get abducted into Scotland by a ghost and that the GB's must save her, this idea was too far stretched. Again came Ramis. I do agree Ramis + Ackroyd are the key to the success of GB's stories on film. Together they do good work. Kinda of like George Lucas admitted about his writing abilities, hence the difference between him on “Phantom Menace” alone to “Attack of the Clones” collaborating with another writer. Theres a huge difference.
But I think by now Ackroyd has the general idea of how the GB stories should go and I think his idea for GB3 sounds solid. Ramis has supposedly looked at it with him a few times so it can't be too out of whack.
I also think that maybe the GB movies are like the Back to the Future movies where theres repetitive elements. So if GB3 were made, no doubt there'd be a success story montage scene of the new GB's at work and another meet the mayor type moment.
I'm always warned that maybe GB3 may fail since its been awhile and that only us oldtimers may be aware about GB's movies, but I could also be wrong.
Theres no reason GB3 can't happen with the same cast of GB's ( in supporting roles not, cameos)+ Hudson,Potts,Moranis, Weaver in a cameo would be more logical. Plus the new cast. After seeing Evolution I think its safe to say Ackroyd is out of shape to ever be Ray Stantz in action.