Huge favor to ask...

by Trist

13 years, 2 months ago

Hey folks!

As some of you may already know, I help out on the Ghostbusters comics coming out of IDW. What some of you may not know is that I used to write the Ninja Turtles comics about three years ago. Another thing you may not know is that IDW have asked me to write a two part TMNT horror comic, hitting stores in the first week of March.

Now, I'm sure you guys have all heard this, but I figured I'd get in and let you all know, comics live and die by preorder numbers made when the books are first advertised two months ahead of their release in a catalog called Previews (it's a big fat magazine every comic shop gets). Basically, you have to tell your comic shops two months in advance that you want this thing when it comes in.

In case you hadn't already put 2 and 2 together, I would be HUGELY appreciative if you comic fans out there gave this a look in, regardless of what you think of the Ninja Turtles book out there right now. I'm working with artist Mark Torres, and I think we've put together a pretty special little book that stands completely on its own. You don't need to read the main Turtles book or the main Infestation book, you just need to be a fan of horror, because that's what it is – The Ninja Turtles vs Lovecraftian horrors deep below New York City.

If you're interested, I'll be posting teasers as my editor allows me to, so you can check them out by keeping an eye on my twitter or facebook pages (linked below), but make sure you get in to those comic shops now and preorder that sucker!

Thanks in advance guys!