Huge Ghostbuster Kenner Collection for sale.

by nostalgicsnovelty

14 years, 11 months ago

Hello there,
This week or early next week I will be posting a huge collection of Kenner Ghostbuster toys on ebay for bidding. The first auction I will be posting is my collection of Ghostbuster vehicles and action figures, almost all of which are in fantastic condition and if not will be noted. Here is a quick list without the details of each item I will be selling.

Action figures:
from the screaming set:
-Winston Zeddmore (no houndhowl)
-Peter Venkman and Ghoulgroan
- Egon Spengler and Squidsqueal
- Janine Melnitz and Swinewhine
from the power pack heros-
-Egon Spengler with Twister Ghost and Crazy Copter base (missing helicopter blade)
from Slimed Heros
- Peter Venkman (missing ghost)

from first series:
-Bad to the Bone Ghost
from Haunted Humans
-Terror Trash
-Granny Gross
-Mail Fraud
-Hard Hat Horror
-Tombstone Tackle
- X Cop
from Mini Ghosts:
-Brain Matter and Stomach Stuff
- Boo-Zooka and two Boo-Let
- Mini Traps (is two monsters)
from Second Ghost Series:
- Pull Speed Ahead with pull string
-Fearsome Flush
from Hollywood Monsters
-The Dracula Monster(missing cape)
- The Frankenstein Monster
- The Zombie Monster
- The Wolfman Monster
- The Mummy Monster
from Gobblin' Goblins
-Terrible Teeth (with box)
-Terror Tongue (no box)
-Nasty Neck (with box)

As for Vehicles I will be selling
-Ecto 2 (with box only missing bomb on bottom)
-Highway Haunter (with box)
-Ecto 500 (with box)
-Ecto 3 (with box)
-Ghost Sweeper (with box)
-Ecto Bomber (missing box)
from Haunted Vehicles:
-Wicked Wheelie (with box)

And Finally

*A complete FireHouse Headquarters (without ecto plasm and box)

I may also find other action figures and missing pieces during this week and also have a beat up Ecto 1A that has box but has some damage. I will be posting a link to a photo gallery of the all the pieces for this first auction tomorrow. If this goes well, I plan to sell other kenner ghostbuster items such as the proton pack and most of the other accessories with boxes. Feel free to ask questions but be aware pictures will be posted tomorrow and should help answer condition questions.
Also if you know another websites that would be interested in this auction, I would love to know about the site.

Thanks for your time,

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

I recommend uploading some photos of all the items, to give potential buyers an idea of the quality of each piece that's for sale.

by GBSales

14 years, 11 months ago

Are any of the figures still MOC or are they all loose?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 11 months ago

Interested party here.

Pix plz.

by nostalgicsnovelty

14 years, 11 months ago

Hey guys,
Sorry for the late update been busy all day taking pictures of the set and uploading them.

A quick update:
Dracula's cape found
Along with other ghostbuster action figure weapons.

Here is the set I will be selling first:

For about 92 other images of the set they can be found here:

To reply to GB Sales, all the ghostbuster items in this auction are loose but all the vehicles but the Ecto Bomber come with box along with some of the bigger monsters have boxes.

I hope this helps you out, feel free to ask any questions about the set.

Thanks for your time,

by therookie

14 years, 11 months ago

nice however its far from a huge lot, some nice pieces might go for close to 100 if your lucky since you have the fire house, there has been a recent spike of bids on gn stuff on ebay.

Hey guys,
Sorry for the late update been busy all day taking pictures of the set and uploading them.

A quick update:
Dracula's cape found
Along with other ghostbuster action figure weapons.

Here is the set I will be selling first:

For about 92 other images of the set they can be found here:

To reply to GB Sales, all the ghostbuster items in this auction are loose but all the vehicles but the Ecto Bomber come with box along with some of the bigger monsters have boxes.

I hope this helps you out, feel free to ask any questions about the set.

Thanks for your time,

by nostalgicsnovelty

14 years, 11 months ago

This is only part of all my kenner ghostbusters item collection; the action figures and most of the vehicles. I also have most of the Ghostbusters children's equipment like the protonpack though I don't intend to sell those tell after this first auction. Sorry if I mislead you therookie, but thank you for your input about the prices.


by Nix

14 years, 11 months ago

Before you sell the firehouse, would you be so kind as to find a way to “copy” its doors? One of mine is broken in one place, and I'm only really interested in getting a few replacement door-sets…how long before the other one goes?

by Kingpin

14 years, 11 months ago

I appreciate the problem the doors pose, as I wasn't able to replace my own damaged ones until I happened to find another Firehouse in a charity shop… but it doesn't really seem fair to ask the seller to find a way to copy one of the Firehouse doors, even if it's only initially at their expense.

by nostalgicsnovelty

14 years, 11 months ago

To reply to the question about the doors:

Sorry but I don't think that would be possible, I do not know how to “copy” plastic and can assure you that all the items in this auction are the orginal products. Though feel free to bid this weekend on the item, tomorrow I will be figuring out shipping and posting on ebay. A link will be provided here of course.

Any questions about the products can be posted here or sent to
