HUGEL resin proton pack parts never recieved!

by PROTON786

21 years ago

:-@ On september 2nd i spent $249.60 on resin parts for a proton pack and the site said all orders before september 15th would be met before january 1st. it has been four months and still no parts! whenever i email him he never replys back to me, i mean for $249.60 you think he'd write back to me because i havent recieved my order. i know he may be busy but i spent a lot of money and have waited long enough! what do i do?

by Kingpin

21 years ago

Hugel parts has been going through a move, give the guy a chance for pete's sake. Also there is such a thing as a person going on vacation, loosing their email account password and even never receiving the money due to the post office or vice versa.

by abathalon

21 years ago

Did the guy said he received your payment?

Otherwise, if he did, the fact that he's not replyig is NOT acceptable. No Move or holiday season should stop the seller from keeping his buyer up to date.
As soon as the seller has the buyer's money in his pocket, he Owes something to the buyer and therefore has to take his/her responsabilities in hand. It's a simple as that.

Now, if have no way to track down your payment and be sure that he got it, that's another problem.
If you didnt already do it, I suggest your send your future payment using registered mail. This way you know where your money is. (especially when we are talking High dollar payment)

My 2 cents,

by PROTON786

21 years ago

yea, he has recieved the payment, i still have the recipt from paypal. but man its a bummer that i cant get ahold of him.

by slimerboy

21 years ago

one time i bouhgt a metallica shirt off ebay for 23.75 and i ppayed and waited and waited and the guy never retunred my emails and i didnt get my order until almost a year later and it wasnt even what i won! so you gotta look out for poeple like that

by exorcist313

21 years ago

Whats the site exactly?

Tell Him Steve-Dave!

by Kingpin

21 years ago

Hugel Parts is a prop site, which I believe sells other things along with Proton Pack parts.

There is now a seller rant thread for this type of thing:

by abathalon

21 years ago

If he got your payment, you have every right to complain. This guy is a very bad seller and I'll never deal with him. Thanks for letting us know.
I suggest that you report this guy to Paypal and to the IFCC


by Kingpin

21 years ago

FYI, all. the company that hosts “Huegel.Com” has vanished into thin air. One day I noticed I'm not getting my e-mail, and when I call my host to find out why, there's no answer. Next I find there's no website for my host anymore and I can't ping any of their known IPs. Yippee. Fortunately I don't pay these guys in advance for service, but I'm down for a week or so while I get a new service and reload the site. Additionally, anyone sending mail to me and getting a failure notice can send to “” until further notice.

Don't read any more into the disappearing Huegel.Com than this!

- Ken -

And there's your answer folks. Not all dealers are deadbeats

by abathalon

21 years ago

Still, even if the site was down, he still got the payments for the stuff and didnt send anything…
Anyway, I'm glad that things *seems* to get back on track, let us know if you got “what you paid for”.
