Hey guys! Well, still selling my gb stuff. as usual, but I got some news for you fine folks. Next month, April 2nd. I will be heading up to Jersey to see Kevin Smith live for one of his Q&A's. I got a ticket for tenth row and I am stoked. However, I need spending cash. So I am going to offer a new deal for you guys. From Tuesday, March 1st till Wednesday, March 30th, all Ghostbuster figures, ghosts, and monsters (loose) are only $1 without Accessories and $2 with Accessories. You still have to pay shipping of course (usually only $5) but this is a hell of a deal for you guys. This way you can help me get money to go with, and you get GB figures dirt cheap. This deal only lasts through March, so start pm'ing me your orders. Thanks guys for all the sales thus far, and hopefully more in the future,