I am selling the last of my collection.

by moobyghost

18 years, 2 months ago

In the next week I will be placing the last of my ghostbusters collection on ebay. I just do not have the storage, time, or money to collect anymore. I did keep a few pieces for myself, but everything else must go.

Since you guys are fellow ghostheads and since i use to post here a long time ago, i figured i would let you guys get a sneak peak at the auction before it goes up. This will also give me time to think of what my starting bid and reserve will be.

Anyway, here are the pictures:

by sinister1

18 years, 2 months ago

Holy Hannah!

That's enough to kit out a small army. Personally I'd reccomend that you sell (at least the packs and guns) individually, youll get more money as they look in great condition and some are boxed, and frankly, the amount that the whole collection must be worth, it would take a very rich guy to be able to bid for it ALL.

by moobyghost

18 years, 2 months ago

Holy Hannah!

That's enough to kit out a small army. Personally I'd reccomend that you sell (at least the packs and guns) individually, youll get more money as they look in great condition and some are boxed, and frankly, the amount that the whole collection must be worth, it would take a very rich guy to be able to bid for it ALL.

I have tried to sell just certain pieces in the past, but you really don't make that much more money. I just want to let it all go in one push.

As for price, The auction will probably start at $2oo dollars.

by sinister1

18 years, 2 months ago

That's still a heck of a lot, but good look to you!

Damn… may be my military side, but that settee of proton guns is making me drool.

by fomeboy

18 years, 2 months ago

Moobyghost I am looking for the Slimed Heroes Ray Stantz's ecto-goggles. If you have them in your collection could you please contact me. I see you have the action figure so I think I might ask. Thanks is advance!

by fusi0n1

18 years, 1 month ago

Phwar! What a collection!

by moobyghost

18 years, 1 month ago

Phwar! What a collection!

You should have seen it a few years ago. I had been selling carded pieces for extra money during college.

I have a couple loose ecto glow figures, but I could not bare to part with them.

by Egons_girlfriend24

18 years, 1 month ago

What a great collection!! I voted no, I would keep that collection. If I were you. One of these days it would be worth alot of money.


by moobyghost

18 years, 1 month ago

I have kept it for a long time. However, I do not collect anymore. It just sits in my closet. My life is going in a different direction now. I still love ghostbusters as much as all of you, but i do not need 5 Ecto 1's and a hundred figures to prove it to myself.

by fomeboy

18 years, 1 month ago

Moobyghost I was not talking about the action figure I'm only looking for the ecto-goggles that came with it… on the 5th picture there's a pile of accessories could you check if you got those? many thanks in advance…