I believe the C64 Ghostbusters game has more replay value?

by Ecto-2009

15 years, 7 months ago

Yes, the game from activision has bad graphics.
Still it was fun to play.

Anyone thinks the same way?

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 7 months ago

Not really. The graphics were never really a problem to most people because that was the available technology. The game itself is pretty short, replaying it doesn't take more than an hour or so, and after that it gets boring. The new one has more replay value because there's things to unlock, as most people won't get everything the first time around. The old one, doesn't really offer much other than replaying it when you're bored.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 7 months ago

I play ghostbusters to play ghostbusters, Ill be replaying it over and over again because we waited through alot of crap to get the games, plus im playing the wii version so its always an adventure. I got my wii copy the 16th at 5:00pm played for an hour, spent all day wensday playing and beat it, finished the last 6 percent i needed thrusday morning (my week off school). Im 100% done and i still cant get enough of it, i mix and match the unlockables to change the gameplay. i cant get enough, yes as time goes by I will soon grow a little bored but that happens with any video game. I have wii punchout waiting for me. since i go to college i can take it slower now and enjoy.

by Ecto-2009

15 years, 7 months ago

I have played and completed Ghostbusters The Videogame for the PC.

It was ok but i was expecting something special.
I didn't get the same feeling as I played the C64 version for this first time. (;_
It was the ghostbusters franchise but the game feels like a clone of Gears of Wars etc.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 7 months ago

good thing i've never played Gears of War

by Ectoman57

15 years, 7 months ago

good thing i've never played Gears of War

dude, gears of war is an awesome game, i hate to say it but its one of the best games for 360 imo. i would recomend you play it if you get a chance.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 7 months ago

You lasso, steer, yank around, and wrangle enemies into a little box in Gears of War?

Funny, I thought you shot them with bullets or struck them in the face with a chainsaw and then they simply fell over dead.

But I'm sure there's something similar about the two processes somewhere in there…

I'm also apparently missing what it is that makes glorified Pong more satisfying than hours of movie sequel-quality (better than GB2, in fact) story with dialogue voiced by the actual Ghostbusters. So apparently the problem is just that I'm not very observant. >_>

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 7 months ago

Granted, the over the shoulder and quick dash are similar to Gears of War, but that was derived from Resident Evil 4, so by proxy if you played Resident Evil 4, you've already played all three games?

Granted this is an opinion thread, I derive much more pleasure from the experience as a whole than based solely off one or two gameplay mechanics. GB:TVG will eventually get taken out of the 360/Wii and replaced with something else, as is the nature of the medium. However, it's like I've told everyone who asked me why I bought the Wii version when the 360 version is so much better looking, I can see times down the road where I will want to play one version over the other, and I could definately play either after watching the films back-to-back.

Often, as I believe Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw once pointed out, we mistake nostalgia for quality. I submit that technically, it would be impossible for the C64 version of Ghostbusters to be a better game in terms of quality or in terms of delivering a closer Ghostbusting simulation. That said, you may prefer that version of the game, and that in and of itself, is absolutely fine.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 7 months ago

Bawahaahahaahahahaahaahah!!!!! No, stop it, you're killing me!

by rodie1

15 years, 7 months ago

I found Gears of War incredibly boring and overrated. The Hammer of Light(?) was pretty cool, but everything else in the game felt very generic. I don't think Ghostbusters is anything like Gears of War, and I mean that as a compliment.