I cant believe this....

by Tobin2027

21 years, 8 months ago

I cant believe my eyes and ears! I freakin' Jones 4?!?!?! WHY?! I mean, there are alot more movies that deserves a sequel. These movies are done with. They had their time and their trilogy. Just like Star Wars, enough is enough! Harison Ford is also old as crap! He has like white hair and is like in his mid 60's. I mean, Hollywood should think about doing a Ghostbusters 3 before this. At least the Ghostbusters casts are only in their 40's and 50's. And Ghostbusters is much more deserving of a sequel. Ghostbusters deserves to be a trilogy. Now Im glad they are making a T3 but a Jones 4?! This is just outrageuous. Im definatly not seeing this, Im so POed that Hollywood would make this before a Ghostbusters 3. This is total BS!

by Kingdom_Hearts

21 years, 8 months ago

well they think if you make jones 4 you will make more money, then Ghostbusters 3.

by adamjarvis

21 years, 8 months ago

hold up one sec. back off of ford. i see you point but back off of ford!!! I happen to like the star wars series:O

by Youtes1

21 years, 8 months ago

Dude, they've been planning Indy 4 for a looooong time now. This isn't new news.

And with the Jones series, what's nice about it is all you need is three people to come back for it to work.

Harrison Ford
George Lucas
Steven Speilberg

To make a G III you'd need seriously more people whom have already stated upon not coming back. (sigourney weaver and bill murray)

by Tobin2027

21 years, 8 months ago

They dont nessasarly NEED all of the original cast. A good GB3 could be made with just Ackroyd, Ramis, Potts, Moranis, Reitman, and Hudson. And I too like the Star Wars movies, but enough is enough! Geez, other franchises deserve more recognition, ie: Ghostbusters

by AgentD

21 years, 8 months ago

Dude, Harrison Ford still kicks ass, which is more than I can say for anyone who was involved with GB. Sorry, but it's the truth. He's still in the public eye. I mean Ayrkoyd is so bored that he and Belushi put out a blues album (which might've been cool, but after seeing them perform live on SNL I had second thoughts). Indy 4 is a project that will work because all the original, principle people are ready and willing. Only Dan wanted to do GB3. Plus, the Indy trilogy does warrant another adventure because the public actually wants one. All of the films were successful, which is more than I can say for GB. And don't give me that “GB2 rocked the summer of 89” crap because it didn't. It came and went because there were many better films out there. Hey, what do you know? Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was one of them! And that's my two cents.

Oh, by the way. Next time bitch about this in the correct forum.

by Youtes1

21 years, 8 months ago

Well said Agent D.

(u said what I could not)

by Tobin2027

21 years, 8 months ago

I wouldnt call a sequel with a budget of 40 million that grossed over 110 million a flop. And I never said Ford sucks, but if he isnt too old then neither are the Ghostbusters buddy. You're just mad cause I want a GB3 and you dont. Not everyone agrees with you. Get over that. And lots of people want a GB3, including Mr. Ackroyd and Ramis. Reitman wants it too but Sony is being gay right now, just wait. When a few of Sony's movies flop, they'll dig through all the franchises and see which one they can bring back and make some bucks. Look at all the other 80 movies coming back, its only a matter of time before Ghostbusters come back to the big screen. And you just cant live with that fact, well, get over it.

by PROTON786

21 years, 8 months ago

Aykroyd droppd gb3! get that through your head! Jones is an archeologist so it has unlimited possibilities but ghostbusters, as much as i love them, can only save the world so many times. gb3 is dead, even if we all asked for it within a week it wont happen, none of us are trying to put down ghostbusters but it seems as though you cant grasp reality as we can, and its kinda sad in a way. oh yea and ford isnt in his mid 60's hes in his 50's.

by AgentD

21 years, 8 months ago

Tobin, I don't give a crap who agrees with me or not. I'm saying it like it is. If you wanna think that the continuation a successful franchise means GB3 is coming then go ahead. And Reitmen and Ramis were never exactly gung ho about GB3. Here's how it went.

Dan–Desperately wanted to do it.
Harold–Was indifferent, but willing
Ivan–Didn't wanna direct, maybe would produce
Ernie–completely willing, but since he's the “token black guy” nobody would even ask him his opinion anyway :l(
Bill–we all know he'd sooner marry a guy than do GB3
Sigourney–Didn't wanna do it either
Annie and Rick–Did anyone even ask them?

Frankly, I don't care how much money GB2 made. It was an embarrasment to the franchise because it didn't live up the hype that everyone created about it. And what other 80s movies? I see T3 and Indy. Do you know why they're coming back? Because their sequels are adored by the public. Most people probably don't even remember there was a GB2.

Another reason why GB3 must not be made is that it would be bastardized by Sony. They'd modernize it to death. They would refuse to put a cast of old guys in it that are not still in the public eye (like Ford) and enjoyed by moviegoers. When the hell is the last time any of them made a good movie (save Murray maybe)? GB3 would suck. The last thing that came the closest to GB3 was Men In Black 2. Before that, Evolution. These movies don't work well anymore. Until new talent comes along that totally loves the GB franchise, we'll have to stick with the comic and hope a toon of the same quality springs up. Because otherwise, GB3 might as well be called “EGB: The Movie!”

By the way, Youtes1, thank you.