Tobin, I don't give a crap who agrees with me or not. I'm saying it like it is. If you wanna think that the continuation a successful franchise means GB3 is coming then go ahead. And Reitmen and Ramis were never exactly gung ho about GB3. Here's how it went.
Dan–Desperately wanted to do it.
Harold–Was indifferent, but willing
Ivan–Didn't wanna direct, maybe would produce
Ernie–completely willing, but since he's the “token black guy” nobody would even ask him his opinion anyway :l(
Bill–we all know he'd sooner marry a guy than do GB3
Sigourney–Didn't wanna do it either
Annie and Rick–Did anyone even ask them?
Frankly, I don't care how much money GB2 made. It was an embarrasment to the franchise because it didn't live up the hype that everyone created about it. And what other 80s movies? I see T3 and Indy. Do you know why they're coming back? Because their sequels are adored by the public. Most people probably don't even remember there was a GB2.
Another reason why GB3 must not be made is that it would be bastardized by Sony. They'd modernize it to death. They would refuse to put a cast of old guys in it that are
not still in the public eye (like Ford) and enjoyed by moviegoers. When the hell is the last time any of them made a good movie (save Murray maybe)? GB3 would suck. The last thing that came the closest to GB3 was Men In Black 2. Before that, Evolution. These movies don't work well anymore. Until new talent comes along that totally loves the GB franchise, we'll have to stick with the comic and hope a toon of the same quality springs up. Because otherwise, GB3 might as well be called “EGB: The Movie!”
By the way, Youtes1, thank you.