I cant believe this....

by MasterSpider

21 years, 8 months ago

Bill Murray IS the reason there will be no Ghostbusters III. PLEASE everyone get their facts straight. He refuses to give up his fifth of the rights. Dan Aykroyd admitted this, and that was the LAST important piece of development news on the project. Now think of this, give it up, and quit whining!

I love it just as much as the rest of you, and wish it would happen just as much as everyone else would, but it WON'T, and that needs to be accepted. It took me a while too, but it shouldn't take some of you as long as it is, Jesus Christ…

by Tobin2027

21 years, 8 months ago

Actually Agent D, my parents loved GB2. They prefer it actually. And alot of people I know at school liked the second one more. And EVERYBODY knows about GB2. Oh and get this….GB2 is my favorite of the two. And I know plenty of people that “adore” GB2. One person in my class sugest we watched it instead because “its all about the pink slime”. You said GB2 was a discrase to the franchise…ha, and you call yourself a Ghosthead. GB2 was just as good if not better than the first. And very succesful at the box office.

by slimerboy

21 years, 8 months ago

just so you know they have been planing a 4th jones flick since the third one was made. its been confirmed for 5 or 6 years now thats indy 4 will be made but not many poeple knew about it becuase they didnt have a script but now they do and everyone knows. from what ive heard the script is wonderful and does the other 3 movies justice.

by slimerboy

21 years, 8 months ago

tobin you moron! everyone can tell you gb2 didnt do as good do to its weak storyline. i thought it was ok but i perfer the first one. in the summer of 89 how many mvoies did gb2 go up against? huge movies like last crusade and batman!

by AgentD

21 years, 8 months ago

Orginally posted by Tobin
Actually Agent D, my parents loved GB2. They prefer it actually. And alot of people I know at school liked the second one more. And EVERYBODY knows about GB2. Oh and get this….GB2 is my favorite of the two. And I know plenty of people that “adore” GB2. One person in my class sugest we watched it instead because “its all about the pink slime”. You said GB2 was a discrase to the franchise…ha, and you call yourself a Ghosthead. GB2 was just as good if not better than the first. And very succesful at the box office.

Wow, that's funny, man. Thanks I needed that. I don't give a damn who you know likes GB2 or not. The fact is that it killed the franchise because the general public doesn't like it. The reason “EVERYBODY” knows about it is because it is considered a failure, whether we love it or not. It sucked at the box office because it didn't live up to the standards set by the first. And I don't know why you're citing a person in your class wanting to watch GB2 because “its all about the pink slime.” What's the significance? That made no sense. BTW, I'm watching GB2 now and I just don't like it as much. It has its moments, but GB3 wouldn't even be half as good as GB2. Whether or not I like GB2 doesn't affect my being a Ghosthead. I don't like EGB either. Does that nullify my credibility as being a Ghosthead? GB2 wasn't a box office smash. Accept it. It was quite good for a sequel. But don't put it in the same league as the Indiana Jones sequels or Star Wars sequels. If GB2 was that a big of a hit, then there would've been GB3 talk immediately as there was with Indy. But no. GB3 didn't enter the news until 1996 (someone can double check me on this and correct me if I'm wrong). On one final note, if GB3 sucked I'm sure you'd be the first to bitch about it.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 8 months ago

I'm going to stay out of the rest of that, but I do agree with Agent D on his last statement. Most of the people here who want it so bad, if it were ever released, would most likely be the first to whine about it…