i don't...

by Slimee

23 years, 4 months ago

want to see it happen. it would suck. yeah it would have good special effects but it would proably be Ghostbusters III ExTrEmE style! who wants to see XGB as a movie? there is no way the orignal cast will be in it as the Gb's. just my 2 cents

by colonelboeller

23 years, 4 months ago

You are quite righ about this. On the one hand it could suck….. but on the other hand it could quite possibly be the thing we´ve always waited for.

Of course, the original cast had to come back, that´s a sure thing. Otherwise it wouldn´t make any sense.

I honestly don´t think that they would “reactivate” the XGB´s, but a younger generation of GB´s… maybe.

I am personally of the opinion that I´d rather watch a New GB movie than most of the new hollywood trash which comes out lately.



by Slimee

23 years, 4 months ago

they proabaly would have the origanls. just not bustin ghosts

by colonelboeller

23 years, 4 months ago

Better the old guys as cameos than nothing I guess.

One very difficult thing ( which you already partially pointed out above ) would be to make a film with the typical “Ghostbusters Style”. You know what I mean? Those movies have a feeling on them which no other movies nowadays have.

Well, I guess I can´t put it in words properly. I hope you know what I mean. smile

Btw : Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes, I´m German after all. wink

by Slimee

23 years, 4 months ago

nah i don't follow. sorry

by colonelboeller

23 years, 4 months ago

No problem. smile


23 years, 4 months ago

I think i understand: The way the movie flows, its feel, its groove if you will. Basically if i understand corectly the movie has a feeling unlike others today.

by colonelboeller

23 years, 4 months ago

Exactly that´s what I meant!

They have to be careful if they introduce new characters! They might destroy this “groove” and it won´t resemble Ghostbusters any more. smile

In fact, the chemistry between Murray, Aykroyd and Ramis was and still is unique. smile


23 years, 4 months ago

Yep, very unique. Harold even made some nice comments about Bill on Cinemax, just watch Bedazzled( a good movie IMO) and at the end there it is

by Dr.Venkman

23 years, 4 months ago

I believe the same thing. If Bill, Dan, Harold, and Ernie wouldn't be in it, would we even want it? wink