i don't...

by Slimee

23 years, 4 months ago

Get over it. the origanl cast ain't going ot go bust ghosts. why becuase they don't want to come back. they all have other jobs now. IT ISN"T GOING TO HAPPEN! if u want it to happen so much then go to Sony headquarters and talk to them to their face!


23 years, 4 months ago

With the exeption of a few ghostheads i must say SHAME ON YOU! look at your selfs, you promptly blowing away anyones hope for third movie, yeah yeah i know bill wont do it, and sony and the big C. wont do it, but come on people there still has to be a some good in this burned out burg, we just have to find a way to mobolize it, and stop posting all this stuff that just blows up the younger fans dreams. I mean come on if Micheal Jackson made a come back so can Ghostbusters smile

by GBFan112

23 years, 4 months ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I would love to see a Ghostbusters 3, but not without the original cast. I'd see it, yet I probably wouldn't get into it. But if the guys did a sequel , I'd think the movie would be worth watching, even if they aren't able to heft the packs anymore.


23 years, 4 months ago

The old guys can still bust, haven't you ever heard of a mid-life crisis?

by darealgb

23 years, 4 months ago

ya come on know if ya put your mind to it any thing is posible and i think if jurassic park can even think of of a forth movie then ghostbusters can think of a 3,4,5,and maybe even a 6th movie because if ghostbusters fans are still out there then we shouldn't let gb go out with only two movies i might not be making much sence but come on people if you are truely ba gb xgb rgb fan the get yue act togther gb is cool and original and will nevtr go out of style
smile and thats my two opinon.

by Slimee

23 years, 4 months ago

da real gb- Are you drunk? Becuase your spelling is worse than mine when I first came here. GB 3,4,5, and 6? You must be drunk! Jurassic Park is survivin becuase it is about dinosaurs. Now who doesn't like Dinosaurs raoming on a deserted island, and poeple stuck on the island getting eaten by dinos? GB was a good movie but they just won't come out with a GB 3. Not enough people care for GB anymore. They didn't end GB 2 in a good way of hinting of a third movie. It just wouldn't go right.


23 years, 4 months ago

your kidding me right, mean i would think we would have learned something from all the ppl dressing upand going around town and the reaction people get, HUH!?!? i mean if people are still that intrested when some guy gose out in a janitors suit with a no ghost logo taped to there arm, and a card bord box straped to there back, then why cant a high spec effects movie with Dan, Harold, Ernie (forget bill), got onto the movie screen ppl WOULD go see it just because so many people have talked how good the movie is and how many little kids still like the idea of guys comeing to save them from the monsters under there bed, so for all of you who think it wouldnt make it, i have one thing ot say, KISS MY GHOST!

oh yeah no offence proppers, yer stuff is cool, i just wanted to make a point wink

by Slimee

23 years, 3 months ago

lets take a look at another topic in the GB movie section. its about GB for N64. soemthing that will never happen. the chances of GB III happening are as good as a new GB game (not XGB) coming out for any system. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! yeah people see someone in a suit and they go nuts but it is going to be a big thing for a movie. they have a better chance in remaking the origanl cartoon then they do another movie. the people that recognize someone dressed as a ghostbuster don't have to be fans. they just go. oh hey look a ghostbuster. cool. they don't go “GHSOTBUSTER WOW CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!!!” GB died a long time ago. the only GB still alive are its fans and the cartoons. i m not saying GB isn't still good. what i mean by died is it means the chance of a third movie is as good as pigs flying. the movie died a while ago. but its memory still is alive. but there is no physical thing left for a third one.

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago


Actually, people dressed up as Ghostbusters get asked for their autographs all the time.

by Slimee

23 years, 3 months ago

…………..why? they ain't famous or anything