I don't think Slimer should be called Onionhead in the comic...

by BoHolbrook

21 years, 9 months ago

It has been stated tons of times that Slimer will not be a goody 2 shoes comic relief character as he was in the cartoons. It has been stated tons of times that Slimer will be more true to the 1st movie.

by RunDMC

21 years, 9 months ago

He should be called Slimer - but I hope he's evil. He'd make a great nemesis (especially to Peter) rather than a friend. I kind of find him annoying when he just tags along and gets scared all the time (which makes no sense as he's already dead).

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 9 months ago

I don't think he should be “evil” persay. Just really piggish and obnoxious. Like the fat kid in elementary school who'd eat your food and give you noogies.

by Jay_Tigran

21 years, 9 months ago

piggish, and not their “lovable pet”…

definatly, he is, obviously, out of the containment unit as we saw we the hotdog vendor and at the very end when he flies into the screen, but he should at least make an appearance or 2 and they can nickname him Slimer cuz he slimed Venkman

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

If Slimer is not the Guys' pet, and he doesn't appear that often, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT make him a bad Ghost.

He should just be a mysterious Ghost, not a bad one. He’s not out to hurt/haunt anyone, he’s just a little mischievous. He's sort of the way he was at the beginning of Citizen Ghost. Every now and then he likes to check out the guys and the Firehouse, b/c he’s curious about them, b/c they were the first to pay attention to him. And don't have him saving the Guys, and/or going on busts with them. That just didn't make any since, I mean Slimer going out on busts with the Guys? Get REAL.

DO NOT CHANGE HIS NAME BACK TO ONIONHEAD! It doesn’t make any since to do that. Slimer is National Icon, kind of like these other cartoon characters, like the Looney Toons. Keep his name “Slimer”, in order to avoid confusion. No one other than us Ghostheads know about the whole Onionhead thing behind the scenes of the first Movie. “Slimer” is the name he has been, is, and always will be known as. And besides, why would the Warner Bros. change Bugs Bunny's name to Roger Rabbit?

by Ghostbuster626

21 years, 9 months ago

Leave the name as slimer or just have the guys call him “spud” or “slimy” for awhile. Dont call him onionhead thats stupid and dont call make him a bad ghost(which I doubt anyone would do)

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

I figure they refer to him as anything it should just be spud, to stay true to the movie. “He an ugly little spud isn't he?”-Ray
Mabey call him slimer later in the series, but not right away.

by Spenglenator

21 years, 9 months ago

I think the slimy spectre makes a better low level antagonist than anything. A little white whale that just bothers the team sometimes.

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

They could always explain it this way:

Peter: Egon, what the hell is this thing?!

Egon: It appears to be the Class 5 entity that we caught at the Sedgewick during our first case, this ‘Slimer’, if you pardon the term, appears basically benevolent, though I'd need to study it further to determine whether or not it means any real harm.

Peter: ‘Slimer’? That isn't exactly scientific Egon.

Egon: I was simply refering to it based on what it does, as the entity seems to have a habit of sliming people, it is only a honest assumption to refer to is as ‘Slimer’ for the time being until we can determine a better description.

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

Isnt that from Knock Knock?