I Got A 360

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 3 months ago

A guy brought in a 360 to my work (hobby/pawn/awsome shop), so my girlfriend and I picked it up for about $175 bucks (after my discount, and the promise that we would get ‘Guitar Hero 3’). It came with a control and that was about it. So any advice on what to do/get for it to avoid the three rings of death (other than not touch it, look at it, breathe on it), overheating, etc. And if not that, reccomendations on what games to get (other than a certain title due next fall, obviously).

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

A guy brought in a 360 to my work (hobby/pawn/awsome shop), so my girlfriend and I picked it up for about $175 bucks (after my discount, and the promise that we would get ‘Guitar Hero 3’). It came with a control and that was about it. So any advice on what to do/get for it to avoid the three rings of death (other than not touch it, look at it, breathe on it), overheating, etc. And if not that, reccomendations on what games to get (other than a certain title due next fall, obviously).

Only advice I know of to avoid the red ring of death is put it in a place with good ventilation.

But it all depends how old a model it is, apparently the older models are more prone to the red ring of death then the newer ones.

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 3 months ago

do NOT

leave it on for a long amount of time.

thats how i got the red lights of death.


by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

I've talked to everyone I know who had one.

The best thing to do is not use it.

And even then, it happened to one guy.

by Corruptparadise

17 years, 3 months ago

I've had my Xbox going strong for close to 2 years and no problems yet.

I'm an abid FPS type person myself so I'd recommend Call Of Duty 4, since that seems to be the latest in greatest. Though Rock Band seems to be the hot item this season. (though I dont believe in guitar hero type games, Just like I dont believe in Rocky V)

by mdp872105

17 years, 3 months ago

buy a cooling fan it will cost about 20 bucks but it will keep it much cooler and you can play for a long as you want. Also if you get xbox live go to wal-mart and buy the 12 months membership.

A)its a better value
B)You wont have to give your credit card online
C)You get a month free

also if you get on xbox live send me a message and ill give you my gamer tag to add to your friends list.