I had to get this off my chest...>.<

by LadyAkuma

15 years, 10 months ago

Ok…I think I just got seriously canoodled here. See, I'm selling back all of my old books. Well, the school ALWAYS has buybacks. So, I sell what I can, I get 49 bucks outta it. Nowhere near enough to pay car insurance and other stuff. >.<

So, in frustration, I go to the library, which is where I'm at now, and decided to try and sell back my books online.
Not only do two of the books the school wouldn't take sell back, BUT, they sold back for 45 BUCKS!


HOW does my unsellable books suddenly become worth that much…
I think I should have saved my other 3 books that they took and seen how much I could have gotten back for them….Damn it ALL….I really needed that cash….


by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Come on man… school bookstores always rip students off on buybacks. Its nothing new. Its not right, in any way, shape, or form, but they can get away with it because a lot of students don't care, and just deal with it and sell them back for the dirt cheap prices that they give. Sell your books online, either on book sites, or on student forums or something.

by LadyAkuma

15 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, see, Community college. I didn't know that. >.< Hate this dump of a town…

Wish I had asked around on here before, lol, someone might have warned me. Although, it did help to type it up and post it.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 10 months ago

It's no better at any school. At my school they not only rip you off, but you only have three days at the beginning of the quarter in which they will allow you to sell the books back. Needless to say, I've never made it on time, lol.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

The saddest thing is that you had to sell your books…

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

The saddest thing is that you had to sell your books…

Why is that sad? When the semester is over, you sell your books as a way of getting money back, rather than having them collect dust underneath your bed. If you're not going to be taking any related courses, there's no reason to hold onto the books really.

by Nix

15 years, 10 months ago

I don't know, I've gotten pretty good returns on mine for the past three-and-a-half years. Okay, so you're not going to get the whole cost of the book back, but there are a few factors to keep in mind: first, make sure there isn't going to be a new edition; second, find out how much demand there will be for that particular class; and third, sell it back as soon as you can. And I mean as *soon* as you can–once a flood of same books comes in, the return on it drops sharply.

Mind, I have a story of my own about the bookstore. In Spring ‘08 (March, to be exact), I get a phone call from home telling me that the bookstore called, saying that I’d won a raffle. MVCC holds a raffle whereby, if you put your name and the receipt number onto a slip, you can enter that into the drawing and hopefully win the entire cost of that semester's books back.

Turns out I'd won that $500 back. Of course, MVCC has state accreditation, so it can afford to do stuff like that. Chicago State University, on the other hand…well, let's just say this: if it gives you money, it doesn't work well, but if it takes money from you, it works just fine.

by doe_ray_egon1

15 years, 10 months ago

I used my books to fix wobbly tables in the classrom

by aaron1

15 years, 10 months ago

I spent close to $400 on my books and only got $50 back. I know how ya feel. Damn college bookstores

by LadyAkuma

15 years, 10 months ago

O.o I guess, when life gives you lemons, you can get lemonade.

After I posted this, I went and turned in job applications. I went to Gamestop…and they were hiring an assistant manager. I'm the main/only good applicant, and they're gonna call me in for an interview tomorrow or Mon…


Wow…talk about a turnaround.