I have a Ghostbusters 'Christmas' Advance 1-sheet, need info

by VanillaSky

23 years ago

I was hoping someone could help me. I have a rolled original advance 1-sheet for Ghostbusters. It is the image of the Ghost with the red circle/crosss going through it and below it reads “Coming To Save The World This Christmas”. It appears to be a US 1-sheet. I have never seen another one like this, as the film was released in Summer, not at Christmas. Can anyone give me some information on this? Was this originally due to be released at Christmas, but then put back to Summer? Any information would really be appreciated.
Thank you!

by castewar

23 years ago

I've never seen one myself, but at a guess, there are two options.

First, it might be for a second marketing campaign.

I have the photo-ready ad sheets (the kind you see in the movie section of your local newspaper) for Ghostbusters, which says “coming to save the world again”.

I do recall the movie being in theaters beyond the summer release (it having been such a hit - plus they were attempting to gain attention prior to the Oscars).

I'm just wondering, why do you call it an “advance” poster?

The second option is that posters were produced for a release later than the summer. However, everything we've ever seen suggests that the movie was always intended for a summer release. It's possible posters were produced, just in case the movie couldn't meet the rushed completion date, but you know what they say about complicated answers.

The third option is that the poster is for an overseas release (like the UK - it is in English after all). However, UK posters are more often than not horizontal. I'm assuming, since you didn't mention it, that it's a typical vertical poster.

I'd have to check to be sure, but I'm guessing you have the first option. Really cool poster! Nice find. Where did you find it?

by Dr.Venkman

23 years ago

castwar's third option is correct. I saw one similar to what you described one eBay and it was an Austtralian poster. That's when it hit theaters over there.

BTW - An advance poster is sort of like a teaser. It says something brief, and is put up in theaters months in advance (the US one was up in late 1983). It drives a lot of anticipation, alas better sales in tickets.