I have a neat idea for an orginal costume(sortta)


23 years, 4 months ago

Well first it's the norm jump suit cept i have always like the darking suits from GBII, so my idea is a jet black jump suit with the red letters name tag, and i heard about a patch with a white circle around it, i would very much like to get my hands on one of these, thanks for listening.

by ParanormalGB2K1

23 years, 4 months ago

Funny you mention this. I'm getting a jet black flight suit in this week!


by Dr.Mays

23 years, 4 months ago

MTGB went with a grey jumpsuit based on the “boys in grey bust a pretty pesky poltergeist” quote heard in GB1. And I think that we make a mean team.

by ecto-3

23 years, 4 months ago

My Jumpsuit just happens to be Jet Black with the same nametag, the lettering is a little off and the belt is jet black too. Looks pretty nice and it all goes perfect together. Can't wait to see what the Ecto Goggles and Proton Pack look like on this thing wink


23 years, 4 months ago

ok well heres a finished idea on the Ghostbusters Virginia Uniforms, normal name tag, the little hose to nowhere will still be in place, the suit will be jet black and under the no-ghost logo there will be another tag in red letters that say GBVA, just so everyone know who we are, sound cool?

by Dr.Mays

23 years, 3 months ago

I've actually considered making a trip to the local boyscott's hall to see if they have any Tennessee Patches. I think a logo patch and some sort of small identifier under it- or possibly on the opposite arm, is a great idea. One of these days I'll have MTGB stiched onto the back of my GB ball cap too.

by Jay_Tigran

23 years, 3 months ago

Awsome ideas GBVA. I suppose not all franchises can do like mine (the maple leaf/no-ghost logo which I admit I didn't create but I give credit to the creator) and you're ideas sound really *really* goodsmile.