I Have a question


21 years, 11 months ago

My friend and I went to a clearence sale at a warehouse store and there was this giant box of birthday party plates and I found in the original the only one in the box stuffed away in the corner Real Ghostbusters birthday party plates. I was just wondering if that is a good find

by rgghost

21 years, 11 months ago


21 years, 11 months ago

Yes exactly like those

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 11 months ago

I'd call that a great find. If only they had glass GB dining ware. I would love to eat off a plate with slimer on it without the slimey residue! LOL

by PeterVenkmen

21 years, 11 months ago

I call that a realy great find. And old stock find. I wounder how that warehouse round up with 1980s party plates. I mean it's not all day that you see REALLY old stuff in a warehouse. But I think I will definitly consider bidding. I am a collector and fan. :d :s

by ladyjane09

21 years, 11 months ago

I had something like that for my birthday party when I was around ten, when I got my proton pack! I had a table cloth, those plates, and a RGB cake! I still have pics of that bday too



21 years, 11 months ago

So I should hang onto them, and hope someday it would be worth somthing.