i hope there is no gb3

by Teeth

22 years, 1 month ago

Suppose GB3 was made and it had all that hip stuff we fear. Then in about 5 years GB and GB2 will be remembered but GB3 will not. Maybe Bill Murray will stumble upon this post. It will rekindle his spirit for Ghostbusters. The 4 guys in grey will return and it will be like the old days of 1984 and the film will remind us of that year.

In other words get down there and kick some ghost.

by JackKong

22 years, 1 month ago

O.K. you got a good point, but why do you think they'd try to make it into Buffy? There are still people that would be able to make the movie without turning it into a mockery of itself. O.K. some of the actors may have to change, so what. You don't need some wierd teen idols running around with photon packs. You might get a good team together. Of course you might not. But I would like to see the movie anyway! Even if it sucks (like the Star Trek movies - everything after Star Trek IV was bad, bad, bad). And there is still the date from the GB2. Remember that the world was supposed to be destroyed on Valentine's day 2014 (I'm not sure about the year right now). There's still time and hope for a great movie to come.

by Cliff-Roswell

22 years, 1 month ago

(I just know I'm gonna get flack for this…)

I actually think a “Buffy/GB” crossover would be quite interesting. Okay, granted, I wouldn't want to see Buffy wearing the suit and pack (though I think she could fill out the suit nicely), but to see Xander wearing it*, well, that'd be okay.

I think that during some of Giles's travels (in the “Gatekeeper Trilogy**” books written by Christopher Golden, Giles went to New York to attend a Librarian/Occult convention), he could have run into Egon or Ray. Or, since Egon returned to teaching (in EGB), he could have met Giles during some lecture tours. Either way, it'd work out.

Yep. Rather interesting.


*Xander makes a giant can of raid and fashions it into a pack and blaster, GB style! (BTVS #33, Dark Horse Comics)

**Boy, now that I think about it, that entire series had a ton and a half of GB references: the Gatekeeper, rain of toads and varoius other small animals, Springheel Jack (who seems to be kinda like Sam Hain), and the Minotaur, among others. I you get a chance, read the trilogy, even if you're not really a Buffy fan. You'll pick up on quite a few things.

by evil_toaster

22 years, 1 month ago

I think the general consensus is that we are all very aware that GB3 is not going to happen. It is a dream - but if it is something that we enjoy discussing, and it's not harming anyone, why get rid of it? If it annoys some of you like VenkmanGB1A or unclerob, that's fine, everyone has his or her own opinion, but us “dreamers” aren't too fussy on people constantly telling us that everything we say here and this entire board (of GB3) is nothing but an illusion, and that we are blind and naive to think that the point of our discussions is more than that.

If you want to complain, complain to the moderators to start a new board called “Anti-GB3”, or perhaps “Reality”.

by egbfan

22 years, 1 month ago

It's most unlikely that there will ever be a third ghostbusters movie, but if there ever was I'd like to see some changes to the original style. I'm actually writing a screenplay at the moment starring the Extreme Ghostbusters in the third movie.

I'm of the generation to have watched both the Real and the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoons, but I find I prefer Extreme and have had to watch my older brother's videos to remember the Real Ghostbusters very well. Onbviously the EGBs are teenagers, and I'd quite like it if they were played by people their own age.

My script is becoming a little bit of a teen flick, because I'm writing it for myself and clearly I want to write a movie I'm going to enjoy. My point is I'm posting on behalf of my generation who would like some teenage appeal in a new Ghostbusters movie. I like the old movies myself, but I can hardly remember the 80s and would welcome a 2000s feel to the new movie.

by Sinister

22 years, 1 month ago

Yo EGB fan! When can we read your script? Also here is a tip, fin the GB1 script from the net and divide it up, say Pages 1 & 2 are where the first Ghost activity takes place. then Page 2-17 might be meeting the characters, I followed this template for my GB3 script and it worked! Make sure it is in the same font and size as the script you read though!

by Proton_User

22 years, 1 month ago

If there was to be a ghostbusters 3 it would be nearly the same look if Harold Ramis and Dan write another script it will practically be the same as the first 2 except with new special FX god don't you lot learned anything from the other movies they were practically the same with minor differences Marshmallow man - Statue of Liberty both were large and in charge sheeesh!

by egbfan

22 years, 1 month ago

Hi guys. Sinister, I may let you guys read my script when it's finished, depending on how good or bad I think it is. Writing is very much my thing, but this is my first screenplay and may turn out a little bit bad. That said I'm pleased with it so far. My plan is to write the final climactic scene tomorrow, and make any necessary changes at the end of the week when school breaks up for the holidays. (smile !!!)

by WayneW.

22 years, 1 month ago

I agree. NO GB3! The script was horrible, the new characters sucked, and I'm afraid that if it did come out, according to this script, it would ruin the Ghostbusters reputation.

by NineToesMcGee

22 years, 1 month ago

I think they should make a GB 3. Even if it's horrible and has crappy teen idol actors, you could just pretend it never happened. Like what I did with the third Ninja Turtles movie lol. On another hand, it would be pretty bad and everyone would be back into Ghostbusters, like all the wrong people could like it and it might just ruin Ghostbusters for me, which would suck.