I hope They get this going

by areyouagod2

15 years, 1 month ago

I am studying the film and tv industry at the moment and due to the recession films at the moment are ok, but films expected to be available by 2012, well from inside sources ive been told this seems like a rare case, as in the film industry at the moment most films have been paid prior to the recession where as in the next year or 2 its likely youll see how affected the recession is… I really hope this is not the case, but i can understand why the source brought this across…

Source is a few people i know that work within the film industry that says their will be a struggle, this is nothing in relation to people within Ghostbuster but in relation to films overall, lets hope Sony Pictures have already calculated an amount to give to The Crew for GB3..

BTW if this is gobbledaygook i should never type when i am drunkish

by theo1361

15 years, 1 month ago

Ha Ha im studying the same thing I think and hope GB3 will be made. I mean its ghostbusters nuff said.. of course they will make their money back in no time flat. Ive also heard about the budget thing too but i figure they had to pay for the guys to write the script so if they gave it no budget at all then we wouldn't be hearing anything about it that is just my two cents

by Nix

15 years ago

I have some good news and some bad news for you (your mileage may vary, though).

First, the good news: I just found an article on GB3 in today's RedEye, so it looks like this thing is moving along.

Now the bad news. Harold Ramis said in that mini-article that the original guys will take more of a back seat and act as “the emeritus guys” to the new heroes. Indeed, they'll be semi-retired.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years ago

I have some good news and some bad news for you (your mileage may vary, though).

First, the good news: I just found an article on GB3 in today's RedEye, so it looks like this thing is moving along.

Now the bad news. Harold Ramis said in that mini-article that the original guys will take more of a back seat and act as “the emeritus guys” to the new heroes. Indeed, they'll be semi-retired.

This is pretty well known. They've been saying it for some time now. The old guys will be mentors to the new young crew.

by Nix

15 years ago

Doctor Venkman;159621
This is pretty well known. They've been saying it for some time now. The old guys will be mentors to the new young crew.

Well, yes, but I mentioned that more because I saw it in today's RedEye, not because of what was said.