Great game! Has anyone else beaten it yet? This game was so much like Ghostbusters IM surprised stay puff didient come out instead of Koopa!
by Chad
23 years ago
It is a great game. I beat it around New Years time. I got the game (and my cube) the day before launch.
I haven't played it due to my busy schedule, but I love it. SSB:M is my favorite game.
by Ectodude
23 years ago
the both of you need a life.
by borzou99
23 years ago
you guys realize that luigi's mansion isn't that great of a game. Ocarina of time, the original zelda, all the metal gears on ps2, those were good games, no very good games, but luigi's mansion….crap
by Dr.Venkman
23 years ago
You simply can't compare Luigi to Zelda or MGS. They're all different types of games, all suitable for different audiences. I found Luigi's Mansion the best and most fun of all the Cube games so far. Luigi as a GB? Nothing is better…
by Slimee
23 years ago
i beat lugi's mansion in 4 days. but thats not what i wanted to say. the best gmae for PS2……GTA3
by Ectodude
23 years ago
i have the original Gran Trourismo (spelling?) for PSX, and i still love that game. i want to try Gran Tourismo A Spec real bad!
as for gamecube, and xbox
gamecube: i got hooked on Rogue Leader. i couldnt stop playing it at K-mart.
XBox: haven tried anything yet.
by SkullLeader
23 years ago
What Rating did you get? I got an A. I kicked that games ass.
by Slimee
23 years ago
i was talking about Grand Theft Auto 3 not Gran tourismo
by SpiffSupreme
23 years ago
Kinda gettin' off-topic, guys.
My question to Movieguy is, you make it sound as if Koopa is the final villian-type-person. Is this true? Haven't played it, don't know much about it. It being the game, not Koopa, for Koopa is a he, not an it.