I just beat Luigi's MaNsiON!!!

by Ectodude

23 years ago

i know. i just like Gran Torismo. just stating that!

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

Look. People like different types of games. RPGs, platformers, racers….

Just because people like something different than you doesn't make you better….just different. Let's not become one of those “elitist gamer snobs.”

I think these people who play Luigi's mansion DO have a life, just as I do. Comments like those are just ignorant.

I like Luigi's mansion. I hate Final Fantasy X. I loved FF9. I hated 8. I like Sonic AND the Mario Bros…..I don't like Gran Turismo. Does that make gran Turismo players idiots with no life…..? Absolutely not.

by SpiffSupreme

23 years ago

Movieguy? You there?

by creed

23 years ago

Bowser is the final boss.well kind of. its the king boo in a bowser suit.smile

by Movieguy

23 years ago

IM sorry Spiffy my computer was on the blink for a few days

King Boo makes Koopa come to life
it's really the Boo doing the Job
Any GB fan would love this game
when IM done watching the GB movies I get in the mood to play…it's that much like GB's I wonder what Dan thinks of this game?