I know Halloween is a ways away but...

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 9 months ago

I was thinking of being Egon next Halloween and wanted to see if any of you thought my costume idea was a good one. I was going to wear a grey suit with a doctor's lab coat (which is what he's wearing when we see him in the movie where he says, “Print is dead.” to Janine). I would also dye my hair black. And I'd have a name tag that says, “Dr. Egon Spengler Ghostbusters” that has a picture of me with my costume on. What do you think?

by jettajeffro

13 years, 9 months ago

I think it would be something good for a con or GB meetup. I'm just saying the common man may not get it, but I'm also not saying to not do it. I've done tons of costumes people don't get.

by Kingpin

13 years, 9 months ago

Agreed with Jeff's concerns. Egon Spengler in a Ghostbusters uniform? Pretty recogniseable. Egon Spengler in mostly civilian gear? Not so recogniseable.

by TyFire

13 years, 9 months ago

If you think you'll have fun on Halloween as Egon, I say go for it man.

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 9 months ago

Well that's just it. A ghostbusters suit is hard to get without spending like $50 to $100. There were 4 ghostbusters symbols you could get on ebay for like $50 but I don't need 4. I just need 1. And I don't feel like spending $50 on something I will only use once. But with the name tag that says Ghosbusters Egon Spengler most people will see it and know who I am.

by Kingpin

13 years, 9 months ago

Except nobody makes a “Ghostbusters - Egon Spengler” nametag, and if you keep you eye open on eBay, you're sure to find someone just selling one logo patch, rather than four.

The costume is worth assembling, for the past couple of years now Ghostbusters have been really popular, and it really sets you apart from the “casual” costumers who just by a white plastic boiler suit and draw on the logos with paper.

People will recognise you as being a Ghostbuster in the uniform. A lot of people aren't just going to recognise you as a Ghostbuster just by dying your hair, wearing some glasses and sporting the name “Egon Spengler”.

If you're going to the effort of altering your appearance for it, then I feel you should go the whole hog.

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 8 months ago

Well I guess I could do that. But that would be too obvious and really just sewing a ghostbusters sign onto my pair of coveralls isn't much of a costume. And what I meant was I would make my own name tag that has the ghostbusters logo and name on it along with the name Dr. Egon Spengler. I doubt people won't recognise me when they see that name tag. Plus it gets hot around Halloween where I live so i wouldn't want to wear coveralls anyway.

by PeterVenkmen

13 years, 8 months ago

Well I guess I could do that. But that would be too obvious and really just sewing a ghostbusters sign onto my pair of coveralls isn't much of a costume. And what I meant was I would make my own name tag that has the ghostbusters logo and name on it along with the name Dr. Egon Spengler. I doubt people won't recognise me when they see that name tag. Plus it gets hot around Halloween where I live so i wouldn't want to wear coveralls anyway.

The logo makes the difference, and it is part of the costume. The name tag should just read SPENGLER though, because that's how it is in the movies.

by Kingpin

13 years, 8 months ago

I doubt people won't recognise me when they see that name tag.

I honestly think you're overvaluing the power of the nametag, and the number of people who know specifically that Egon Spengler is a Ghostbuster. You're set on the idea and I can't stop you, but I don't think as many people are going to realise it's a costume as you believe will occur.

by jettajeffro

13 years, 8 months ago

If nothing else they'll just recognize you as a doctor or scientist. You just might have to explain specifically that you're Egon. People probably aren't going to pay too much attention to the nametag.