I know this isn't directly related to GB3 but...

by AgentD

21 years, 11 months ago

Dark Horizons that a Caddyshack 3 is on the way. Take a Look

It mentions that they want Bill Murray to cameo as Spackler. If he does that then better do GB3.

by Zack

21 years, 11 months ago

Murray also confirmed that whilst no other “Ghostbusters” films are in the works, a “Snow Dogs” sequel is.

Ouch. That hurts Bill. Wait that's Brian saying that. lol :u


by AgentD

21 years, 11 months ago

I know. Ouch. How the heck does Caddyshack 3 and Snow Dogs 2 get the greenlight, but GB3 doesn't?

by gbray

21 years, 11 months ago

t3 is comeing mayby gb3 has a chance

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 11 months ago

Satan is making snow angels…then ruinging them.