I Love This Town... er... Ghostbusters.net!

by Woym

23 years ago

Hey Chad!

I love GBNET! It's awesome!
Just one thing. Can you put a login on the start page? How you been to sites like www.ign.com? That site has a login at the side so people can login whenever instead of going to a separate page. That would be pretty cool.

By the way, I liked the old look better. The one with all the news links and the most recent posts. The new one is ok though. L8r! Keep up the good work!

by Chad

23 years ago

Thanks Woym,

Both of your answers will be solved through the advent of my.ghostbusters.net where you will be able to login right away and you will be able to customize the way the page looks and how it is layed out. One of the many things to come in the next release of GBN.

by Kingpin

23 years ago

Do you have a rough date for that Chad?


23 years ago

I believe he is shooting for mid-March. Hehe…The real March Madness-GBN!