I met Bill Murray's brother!!!

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 1 month ago

That's awesome Zedd! Tell him to put Psi Factor on DVD….

by Zedd

18 years, 1 month ago

lol and Soul Man - I LOVED that show

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

In a couple weeks I get to hang out with and do a bit of an interview with Dan Aykroyd. I'm so excited and fluttery….I've got my fingers crossed that he won't get too busy because radio always gets cancelled if the actor is busy - but as far as we know he's scheduled to come in and spend some time with us.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Very cool. Is the convo gonna be alot about Busters? Or what he's doing this day n age.

by Zedd

18 years, 1 month ago

Well he's here with James Belushi doing the Blues Brothers act. He's doing a chamber show and then one for the public. tickets are like $190. Since Dan is such a huge canadian icon our promotions director really fought to get him to come in. Especially since he appeals to our demographic. So as long as he's not running behind schedule he'll be coming in to hang out for a bit. Because I was so excited about it Karen said that she would make sure I got some time with him. So now I'm trying to figure out exactly what to say!

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

Ask him if he's ever seen any of the fan films that have been released in rencent years and his response to them

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

Ask him if he's ever seen any of the fan films that have been released in rencent years and his response to them

yes that and if it's really him on myspace.com

by LawgSkrak

16 years, 6 months ago

Sorry, to leave you guys hanging. Yes it was John Murray, from Groundhog Day.

And he had a wicked sense of humor. We got along great.