I need help

by mdp872105

16 years, 6 months ago

I've started making my own fan video for youtube but I've ran into some issues that I need help with. First Does anyone know a good video editing software that is free and better than movie maker? This is not a must but it will make my videos better.

Next I need some sound effects like telephone sounds, screams, etc…

I need a suggest for make slime like you see on venkman in ghostbusters.

Also I'm trying to reduce some of the background noise in my mike it tends to pick up some wind caused by my breathing.

Any help with this would be great.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

For the problem with the mike, I suggest moving it further away.

But for removing mike noise that you don't want, try Audacity. I believe it's free to use and it's what I use to clean up music I have.

As for sound effects, I just type in “Scream sound effect” into Google and work from there.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

I love Audacity. Very audio editing program.

by JenSpengler

16 years, 6 months ago

I just suck it up and use movie maker. I've got a pirated copy of Premier a friend stole from school ages ago, but we don't really need high-end fx for the NS show so I've never used it. I doubt there is a free alternative aside from piracy.

I suggest http://www.findsounds.com for anyone. Usually helpful, and amusing when you're bored.

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 6 months ago

Try a windshield for your mic.

Alternatively…don't breathe into the mic.

by JenSpengler

16 years, 6 months ago

As for what to use for slime:
For the clear stuff, look for kids shampoos, as they are safer should it get in your eye. For the opaque stuff look into conditioners. If you want the stuff that looks like the river of slime in GB2, try Head and Shoulders. It has that streaky, silvery quality to it and comes in pink and orange hues.

by Bativac

16 years, 6 months ago

For the mike, secret tip from a musician's son – a wire coat hanger and some pantyhose make a fantastic “wind shield.” Just rig one to sit between your mouth and the microphone.

The worst part is having to buy the pantyhose.

As for the slime, I had great success one Halloween with corn syrup (Karo or whatever's cheap). I think I mixed in a little yellow green food coloring.

by mdp872105

16 years, 6 months ago

thank you everyone for your help. I am actually getting a better mike and a wind shield today. I will try that one trick also Bativac. Also thank you jen for the link to that sound effects site I found a lot of useful sound effects.

Also thank you every one for the detail slime suggestions I going to do a slimer version of the slime so I think I go with the corn syrup or kids shampoo and just give it a slight green tint.

I'm going to continue to do a little work here and there. But once i get the microphone set up I'll really get going.

Just to let everyone know I have created a channel on youtube and have also created one video so far. Its not much but once I get them all together it will make sense. Once I get closer to getting done I will create a link to the website.