I played Ghostbusters at GDC today

by Whisk

15 years, 11 months ago


I actually believe its mentioned that the Ghost traps in the game are a new model, that are wireless and have their own PKE Proximity detector in them to automatically open when a ghost is near.

but thanks for making June 16th feel that much MORE far away

that would be my guess, a wireless ghost trap.

Wooooo! Awesome. Thanks for sharing this with us!

your welcome! youre gonna love it.

not quite.

I seem to remember hearing something along the lines if the PKE registered blue then you were close to a hidden pick-up that unlocked stuff…kinda…

oh cool, i didnt know that! I wonder what the artifact was.

ROFL! Your face is priceless! Lucky man.

Wait… N-Gage booth? So it still exists. Oh wow ahahah.

yeah i was giddy as a school girl. and yeah, i didnt even know n-gage was still around, i guess thats why they brought the ladies, to get your attention.

i really like your shirt(*peter)

and i refuse to read it lmao dont wanna read nuffing more about this game, exept reviews in mags, lol but i bet i will be too tempted soon enuff, must fight the urge

i'm usually dont like to spoil things myself (i refused to watch any of the Episode III trailers for example) but I cant help it, i've been wanting this game forever and i have never been more excited for anything else. I feel the pain you are going through.

Scott Sommer;137732
Umm I think the “wrangling” is automatic is it not? I know in the new videos of the demo it does say “The beam will automatically wrangle when the ghost is weak enough.”


As exciting as you make it sound. Sounds like you played an old demo. I think they added the automatic wrangle feature later on.

Other than sounds like you had a blast. Good on you mate.

i hope they added the automatic wrangle. When I played, i didnt do much to weaken the ghost (i didnt figure out slamming and all i used was boson darts). i was able to press the left bumper in addition to the right trigger and it would lasso on. I'm not sure how old the build was except in the upper left it said GDC beta build.

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 11 months ago

There is auto-wrangling. But if you press the left bumper, you can activate a capture beam and use it to wrangle ghosts early or pick up and move smaller physics objects.

Glenn Gamble told me at NYCC that if you were “really good” you can wrangle ghosts early and trap them more quickly, rather than spend time wearing them down with the blast stream first and then wrangling them. What “really good” entails, I'm not quite sure.

by Whisk

15 years, 11 months ago

There is auto-wrangling. But if you press the left bumper, you can activate a capture beam and use it to wrangle ghosts early or pick up and move smaller physics objects.

Glenn Gamble told me at NYCC that if you were “really good” you can wrangle ghosts early and trap them more quickly, rather than spend time wearing them down with the blast stream first and then wrangling them. What “really good” entails, I'm not quite sure.

you are absolutely right. I went back today and fooled around with it some more. Around the targeting reticule is a “energy” meter of the ghost you are shooting at. This meter will drain the more you shoot at the ghost and when it is low it will automatically wrangle. I was happy to see the automatic wrangle work, it was satisfying.

I figured out how to slam and it was fun! Activating the capture stream will build up your Slam meter. When you fill this up, pressing LT will slam the ghost and drain their energy by a large margin. It was easier to get a ghost in the trap when their energy was low. There was a slam meter that popped up on the bottom right of the screen.

Another noticable mention I figured out is the double red lines on the pack is the overheat meter. This will fill up obviously using proton beam and will stay filled up until the pack is vented or overheats and automatically vents. Some of you probably knew that but i didnt. very cool.

i snooped around more in the options screen and you have the option of turning a lot of the HUD options off, such as the targeting reticle. I dont know if the consoles version have this, but the PC version did so im hoping the consoles do too. :-)

by ShadowSt

15 years, 11 months ago

Awesome stuff dude.

Thanks for going so in depth. That's what I like to see!

Given that I check a half dozen GB websites every couple hours in order to satiate my borderline-obsession with this upcoming game, your posts have certainly brightened my day.

The rest of this week seemed pretty slow on new GB Game news…

by RickyM

15 years, 11 months ago

yeah it did seem a bit dead, and damn it i sinned, i read it all i cudnt help myself lol dam it

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

I thought the circular meter was the ghost “health”? As this same meter shows up on the reticule when it is put on the ghost even when not in wrangle mode.

Look at the demo again you will see that the meter lights up every time the reticule is point at that the ghost.

Yes the circular one on the pack and the one on the reticule seems to be the same one

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 11 months ago

Scott, you are correct that the circular meter on the pack is the Ghost's “health.” Why they have another one over the Ghost while you are blasting it is beyond me.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 11 months ago

Scott, you are correct that the circular meter on the pack is the Ghost's “health.” Why they have another one over the Ghost while you are blasting it is beyond me.
Because, it's in the player/rookie's line of sight (around the crosshair), or else we would spend most of the game, staring at the proton pack. (*peter)

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 11 months ago

Then why have one on the pack? My point is that having 2 meters to tell us the same thing is unnecessarily duplicative.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 11 months ago

Then why have one on the pack? My point is that having 2 meters to tell us the same thing is unnecessarily duplicative.
Actually come to think of it, the meter on the pack is a “Slam Meter”, which tells the player how much slam power the player has, when the auto-wrangle engages and the ghost's real health meter (the green meter around the crosshair) turns red.