I recently won a really big turkey, Christmas is right around the corner.. what should i do with it?

by back

23 years, 2 months ago

I won it in a draw at the market, what should i do with it? i was thinking soup. what do you guys think?
im gone.

by Ecto-1984

23 years, 2 months ago

Im thinking you should eat it. smile


23 years, 2 months ago

Yeah eat it. Soup dose sound like a good idea. mmmmmm, OK now im gonna go eat….

by NetSolo

23 years, 2 months ago

Giant catapult comes to mind…

But if the supplies aren't readily available you could pull a Letterman and just drop it from the roof of a building and film it with the camera way overcranked to play it back in slow motion.

by back

23 years, 2 months ago

Throw a 20 pound turkey off the roof of a building?!?! yeah right, i can see the headlines now! “back charged with murder by turkey” no, it looks awfully tasty sitting in the freezer i must say. im actually thinking about inviting over a bunch of my relitives for christmas at my house of all things! they probably wouldnt come cause its a non smoking complex & they all smoke. damn, any other thoughts?smile
im gone.

by vgirl

23 years, 2 months ago

Gee, can I come to your place for Christmas back?
Anyhow, I won a turkey and I didn't even know it. You have 500 points on your shoppers card you get a free turkey. I didn't know I had that many points. My mom and Aunt fixed it for a church dinner.

by Ross

23 years, 2 months ago

I think you should put it in a dress, dance with it. Use it in a few demonic rituals, you know…

Well eat it for sure. And don't make soup out of the whole darn thing! Well if you don't want your family over, invite some friends for a Christmas party. Even if that's a no-go, do the damn thing right and eat it yourself. You'll have plenty of turkey left-over for sandwiches. Mmm, sandwiches…