I think some people need an explaination as to WHAT cartoon franchises are and WHY they exist.

by BoHolbrook

21 years, 11 months ago

It occurrs to me that some people are naysaying me and my teams hard work just because we're cartoons. Well you screwheads, Let me just lay out for you a complete explaination of the WHAT and WHY of Cartoon Franchises.

The What:
A cartoon franchise is just that, A Franchise. Just like any other, Just like MGB just like MTGB. The only difference is we choose to document our adventures and the appearance of our members thru illustrations and not real pictures which will be explained further in the why. Just because we choose to be cartoons instead of a real team gives you absolutely no right to demean us in the public eye. Last I checked bub people love Nightsquad, I'm turning down people from joining us all the time. Just because you use real pictures of yourselves and we don't doesn't make your franchise anymore valid than ours so don't put us down in public like that.

The Why:
The whole REAL reason Nightsquad was started because we were a group of friends who WANTED to be a franchise and didn't live close enough to each other to get the job done. We figure cartooning ourselves and fictionally living together and being a franchise would be the next best thing. Thats all, We're a franchise just like any other only we're slightly fictional. Like my friend Dr.Belmont said, Some of us are too camera shy and can't afford props to start anything other than a cartoon franchise. Ontop of the fact that we all live quite far away from each other, I'm talking Hundreds of miles here. It's kinda hard to start a “Real” franchise as you put it when we're not even within reasonable driving distance of one another. Besides man, Naysaying us for being cartoons is stupid. You might as well start talking about yourselves because the whole concept of franchise is based on FICTION. Whether we're cartoons or not the whole thing is based on FICTION. Why should restrictions be placed upon us just because you think you're in some kind of hiarchy of franchises that can actually be with each other in the same room if they want. We don't have that luxury, But we still bust our asses for the people and our fans day in and day out because we love doing what we do. Currently we turn out THE BEST product of ANY cartoon franchise that currently exists and everybody knows it. We work hard to do what we do, and pretty much all of us were offended by your assumptions made of us.

The Now:
Now I can understand TO A DEGREE what your problem is. The recent spring up of Cartoon Franchises all over the place upset me too. Mostly because people who I had turned down from Nightsquad seemed to be starting their own to spite us. Also for the sheer fact that pretty much all the other ones sucked ass except for NOMAD. I've seen NOMAD's work and they're turning out a good quality product. However stuff like Rogue Squad, Ecto-Force and other stuff like it sucks. It sucks hard. Because these people aren't even trying to turn out a good product all they're just making a cartoon franchise just to say they made a cartoon franchise. It all boils down to people ripping off Nightsquad to try and cash in on the popularity we have.

The Summary:
In summation, I suggest you retract your statements about cartoon franchises Tully. If you don't want to deal with us then put me and Vincent Belmont in charge of approving cartoon franchises and we'll weed out the bad stuff. We'll get the job done. Either way us or NOMAD isn't going anywhere. Yes I know NOMAD doesn't want to be a franchise but essentially you guys ARE a franchise.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 11 months ago

*standing ovation for Bo.*
Well said man, well said

As Bo said, we here in NOMAD aren't looking to be a franchise, we just want to make some good stories for people to enjoy, we cant afford to make the props, we don't live anywhere near each other, I dont want to have to buy a plane ticket to the UK everytime Sinister and I write Doomsday chapters, ya know. We're all pretty camera shy, cept JESUSFREAK. But hey I think the quality of pics coming from NS and NOMAD alone are more tahn enough to qualify as justifiable pictures of us. Plus, with the cartoon teams, we can accomplish more in the way of fiction because we escape the boundries of realitiy. I enjoy writing the stories for NOMAD, (yes we are writing) and I and the others put as much work into our work as any other real franchise team. I hope Bo's explanation clarified for everyone what we really are all about.

by Zack

21 years, 11 months ago

Many valid points Bo, but tone down the language a bit, man. I think you could have gotten the point across just as well without a few of those words. You more than anyone else should know better I agree a lot of these groups did seemingly spring up out of nowhere.


by LordVego

21 years, 11 months ago

Originally posted by Bo Holbrook

However stuff like Rogue Squad, Ecto-Force and other stuff like it sucks. It sucks hard.

Thanks for the compliment, Bo! But seriously I see your point. If you are talking about the drawing factor, that is not because of just being complete retards when it comes to drawing, its wel..ok yeah I am a retard when it comes to drawing, but I just had to fill the space with some crap until our real artist (Daryl) could get me the drawings to put on the website, but he seems to have disappeared.

On the basis of doing the cartoon thing just for being a cartoon, that is where you are wrong. We have about the same origin as NS, we had no money, we lived too far away, we were friends beforehand, and we had some pretty cool story ideas.

But I totally understand what you mean with your statement, and I congradulate you to the highest extent. Good going, Bo!

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 11 months ago

Hey Bo, I like the cartoon franchise idea. Since ETGB is financially screwed we are a hybrid of the two franchises.

We have cartoons representing us but we do have uniforms and the car and the equipment, BUT NO CAMERAS or scanners….

That's just the way it is with us.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 11 months ago

I'm not very camera shy either…

by DocRyedale

21 years, 11 months ago

Originally posted by B.O. Holbrook

“However stuff like Rogue Squad, Ecto-Force and other stuff like it sucks. It sucks hard.”

Come on, B.O., don't forget about that Monster thing some Halloween guy started. You left it out. That shouldn't even be considered GB, sense he ripped it off from someone who made it as a ripoff of GB. As for Ecto-Force, I don't know too much about that, and I'm kinda scared to find out about it.

I think Cartoon “Franchises” might be a GREAT Idea! As long as they aren't GB rip-off's like that Monster thing, hwich is a rip-off of a rip-off .

We need to expand some Franchises into cartoons. Like RGB. Maybe there could be a new type of franchise, known as an RGB/Cartoon type of franchise! I might even ask Mr. Tully about it. What do you guy's think?

by Zack

21 years, 11 months ago

consider yourselves lucky I edited it. He didn't originally call you “stuff” like that


by Dr.Loomis

21 years, 11 months ago

I'm not sure if I should laugh, be angry, or be both, but I get the point Doc Ryedale was making. Now here's the truth:

My version of Monstersquad is, once and for all, NOT based on the movie of the same name (as much as I love that movie). This Monster thing, as you put it, is within the same boundaries as any GB franchise just more comic book like. The stories are completely original and different from the movie. The only similarities between the stories and the movie is the title. Other than that, the Monstersquad thing does have a purpose in the GB universe, one that I have spent two years molding in notes and pictures.

As for cartoons, the team were basically poorly drawn four page comics that I put in my friends local comic book. I don't think I'll be putting a site for a while, but you get the picture.

I don't expect Monstersquad to be recognized or liked as a GB franchise. They, much like the recently departed Rogue Squad, are what are called a non-franchise, meaning that they are basically the written types. If people don't get the concept, fine. I just write the stories merely because I like the characters and their adventures.

Oh yeah, check the first story out. You'll find that the team is not a rip-off of a rip-off. If that were true, then half the franchises that are up would be rip-offs of the original GB.

by AgentD

21 years, 11 months ago

Bo is correct in every respect. The idea that these “real” franchises are better than us is disgusting. They don't even do anything. Hate to clue you in, but there aren't any plans or tips for a writing a good fan fic or drawing the way we do. We are just as good as you guys.