I think some people need an explaination as to WHAT cartoon franchises are and WHY they exist.

by Kingpin

21 years, 11 months ago

I understand that in a sense, Nightsquad and NOMAD don't exist, but surely it's been more then proven by the fact we've worked so hard on these franchises, and so what if we don't have real equipment? We've invented equipment that no-one else ever thought of, heck, Nightsquad and NOMAD have set the bar for future and existing fanfic and cartoon based teams.
Simply not allowing a team due to the fact it can't afford to build props is insane, I know Louis has guidelines he needs to follow…But if it removes an essential service then doesn't that defy the point of being a Ghostbuster?

by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 11 months ago

…Where am I gonna find a lady that's 7 feet tall and willing to dress up like War… I dont get it, so basically drawings arent excepted as real life pictures? See now that kind of angers me. I dont dress up like a Ghostbuster, I could never afford the cost of making my own gear, and we in NOMAD are scattered around the world. Like I said before, Im not buying plane tickets. But I do do one thing, I draw. I draw Ghostbusters as I see them, that is my idea of a picture. Its credible, Thats me there(not that nasty avatar, but one I drew a while back), and theres gear on my back. heck, I made us a vehicle, several in fact. I worked my arse off for weeks doing it. Im still working on it all. All of us Fan Fic teams, or “cartoon” teams are capable of doing just as good as those that can afford it.


21 years, 11 months ago

Mr.Tully, if I buy a C-130 and put a picture up of me like I am in NOMAD can I be a real franchise? Let me warn you I tend to fly without a lisence…..

by DocRyedale

21 years, 11 months ago

*Hands Dr. Loomis a Michael Myers McFarlane Movie Maniacs Action Figure, as a business gift and hands SpecterHarness an Arkham Asylum playset as a business gift* :s :d

Dr. Loomis, you should laugh. :s :d I've gotten you're point now. My bad.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 11 months ago

I've got somewhat of an idea on how to make this work, but I'm going to have to chat with everyone else first. Anytime guys, I'm waiting. At this very moment I'm sitting in a chat with 2 others, but I will get around to everyone sooner or later…

by GBFreak

21 years, 11 months ago

Great points Bo, I thinkg you really got the message across. but did you really need to slander Ecto Force? You haven't seen the potential the group has to suceed

by StayinPuft

21 years, 11 months ago

The really cool kids don't belong to franchises hehehehe… Moi for example

by BoHolbrook

21 years, 11 months ago

I appologize Brendan, This post was made partially in anger.

by GBFreak

21 years, 11 months ago

Ok BO, just as long as it was form anger. . .I'm sure Ecto Force will be able to look up to Nighsquad as a great example of a Cartoon Franchise

by Chad

21 years, 11 months ago

Moved to Fan Fiction because there are no cartoon franchises.

Only Fan Fiction teams.