I think this would be funny to do

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

When I finished school I never went to graduation and never got my diploma. The school called my house and told me I could go pick it up in the school’s office when I get a chance to but I never did.

I thought about how funny it would be to wait like 10 years and then randomly show up at the school and pick it up.

Think about how funny that would look.

Lady in the office: Can I help you sir?
Me: Yes I’m here to pick up my diploma.
Lady in the office: Excuse me, what did you say?
Me: I finished school here like 10 years ago but never got a chance to get my diploma.
Lady in the office: You’re joking right?
Me: No, this is no joke, now find me my diploma.

If I do this crazy joke I’ll have every detail planned out. The clothing I wear, the car I pull up to the school with, everything will be planned out to have the funniest impact on the school.

I wonder if this has ever been done before. I think it would be funny to do.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 2 months ago

You're probably going to have a hard time getting a job for 10 years since you don't have a diploma. But it would be pretty funny lol.

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

I think they check my records to make sure I finished school. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t need to show them the diploma for prove of finishing school. Funny you mention that because I’m looking for a job right now.

by BigMac

16 years, 12 months ago

Well I did it. I know I was going to wait but I thought about how funny it would be and I just couldn’t help myself and I went.

I called the school yesterday to tell them I was going to come in the next day to get the diploma. They told me to come at 3:00P.M. but I knew that school would be over at that time and that would ruin the point of going in. So I showed up at the time that lunch was ending which was at about 12:38P.M. and the hallways were going to be filled with kids. Soon as I walked in the person at the desk told me that I was suppose to come at 3:00 but I lied and said I was leaving on an airplane and needed it now before I left.

I wore a professional suit for the accession and it looked really cool.

I wish you could have all seen.

I did have a digital camera on video mode recording the noise from when I went in but I turned it off when I got to the office so I didn’t get the part where I told the person I was leaving on an airplane.

Kind of wish I had that part, it was a funny lie

by fome

16 years, 12 months ago

ha ha good one BigMac :p

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 12 months ago

Here's the million dollar question…

Were you able to get it or not?

by BigMac

16 years, 12 months ago

Yeah I was able to get it.

The guy who handed it to me asked if I had all my credits to graduate Obviously I’d still be here doing school work if I didn’t complete all my classes.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 12 months ago

Well… I´m kinda close to it… my graduation was in december 2000, and I haven´t look for my diploma…

I´ll wait to december 2010 :-)

by BigMac

16 years, 12 months ago

So you lost it in your house or just never bothered to go get it? I wasn’t going to bother getting my diploma for years but I wanted to show off my nice suit.

Nobody there seemed to recognize me when I went in. I wonder if it was because I grew a beard and mustache and I was wearing a hat.