i want to make a ECTO1A rc fully detailed!!!!

by alucard

23 years, 1 month ago

any idea were i can find a 59 caddy
scale 1/30 or 1/35 to make a ecto1 or
1a r/c whit all the lights and sounds


WERE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

You could try checking your local hobby shop or any place that sells RCs and models. Try eBay too. Good luck!

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 1 month ago

Try the websites for all the major model/rc car companies. They might have something you could use.

by Ectoman

23 years, 1 month ago

No one has anything you could use.. Infact, 1/32 is small, very small for an R/C car. The norm is 1/10th scale.. the smallest I've seen are some micro 1/64 scale.. the only thing you have a chance doing is finding an old ETRL Ecto-1a and taking an 1/24 scale R/C car.. it would be still very hard to make verything work..

BTW, I used to race 1/10th scale electric cars at the local track here..

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

How about you just build a custom chassy to fit your Ecto. It seems you'll be customizing a lot here so why stop at buying a pre-sized chassy? Its creativity we're talking about here, and who cares if the thing runs like sh!t? Its all part of the program wink

by terrible_one

23 years, 1 month ago

HI ya all. I just wanted to share that i have already previously made a couple ghostbusters rc cars. And for the more detailed one i made my own body cast. And then for the other one I used an old ghostbusters ecto 1 car body. They are both painted and setted up to be ecto 1's and they are really sweet and fun to drive. Well just thought id tell ya what i have used and done. well later.

by alucard

23 years, 1 month ago

yeah ectoman the chassis i found are
very little for my purpose but any way
i like ecto-3 idea so im goin to search
to make a bad ass looking chassis of
the 59 caddy and dont worry ecto-3 the
car is gona be fast .

WERE BACK!!!!!!!!!

ps the electric part of the roof is
easy to makE

by Ectoman

23 years, 1 month ago

My best electric car can go about 30 - 40 mph.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

You should build two types of that car. One regular car and another car specially fitted with a can of nitro. Its crazy but would be fun. smile

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

Right before I created ECTO-135 I bought a little cheap $100 porche from radio shack. cheap, but on the right surface she runs like a bat out of hell, it cant jump very well, but the handling is incredible for such a cheap machine, soon i created little Ecto-17 decals for it and pasted them all over the car. “I love my toys!”smile
im gone.