ok so read the whole thing,
With GB:TVG being made we were told that this was essentially the THIRD MOVIE right? so what happens if a Ghostbsuters 3 MOVIE is made? do we count GB:TVG as 3 then the new movie as 4? do we ignore GB:TVG as just a game and the new movie is considerd 3? Im curious to what you guys think about this?
cause as of right now there is NO movie and there IS a video game.
I'd rather think of the game as the 3rd movie and the 3rd movie as a “4th movie.” But then again, If we have sequals to the game then the Third movie might as well be considered as a 5th movie.
Just think of this as the third story and GB3 as the fourth. Supposedly the writers have access to the game and are drawing from it, possibly even using unused ideas in the script.
Kinda like how Disney is using/mirroring the storyline(s) from the TRON 2.0 video game for the new TRON 2 movie.
Roy Karrde
I think it would be kind of like how Shadows of the Empire was treated in Star Wars when it came out as a game, kind of a bridge between two movies. With the game poised to make so much revenue I would think they would have to give some kind of nod or mention of events in the third game so that people don't get too confused. Then again you would have questions as to what happened to the Rookie if he isn't in the movie, and what happened to the upgraded proton packs. I guess if there are no mentions, it could just be written off as a alternate universe story like RGB, EGB, The Return, and the Comics.
That's a good way to put it, Roy. I always liked the “In-Between” type stories for Film or Video Game franchises. P.S. I still have Shadows of The Empire on N64. I grew up playing it.