I was just wondering

by creed

23 years ago

Not complaning or trying to be annoying but why hasnt there been a newsletter for gb.net

by Mario

23 years ago

Another complaint, why does it say n the profile whether or not you have the newsletter. Chad, please answer.

by SpiffSupreme

22 years, 12 months ago

A question I had myself just a few minutes ago when adding my MSN IM.

by Chad

22 years, 12 months ago

Well, I'm (as always) planning for the future. There isn't much to say in the realm of Ghostbusters these days. What do you propose I write the newsletter about. Lack of content is the only thing keeping a newsletter. I could email a newsletter reguarding each update I perform on GBN, but I don't want to needlesly spam people.

by borzou99

22 years, 12 months ago

and if you don't believe chad, check protoncharging.com. They have the most up to date gb news, but even they don't have much content.