I was looking at like the ranking where do you give reviews?

by Movies205

22 years, 6 months ago


by Ectoman

22 years, 6 months ago

You can start, by going here, and clicking on the “Rate It!” button, select the number 10 for it, and then type why you like it.

by Biggsexi

22 years, 6 months ago

Just ask Ectoman.. that man knows everything.. smile

by PF4Eva

22 years, 6 months ago

I didn't know that at first, either. I just barely found out today and rated six items. That means I still need the 200 posts (I'm almost halfway there) to make the next rank, if that's what you are trying to do. Don't worry, getting a higher rank happens eventually.

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 6 months ago

hehe, that was funny.