by SpookyPlanet

18 years ago


Have one? Contact me ASAP and I will buy it with CASH!

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Wish I had that kind of money.

But you talking about the brand of car or one that has the Ghostbusters attachments?

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Wrong forum, knock off the caps lock and settle down. (*egon)

Firstly, those who build Ectomobile replicas put a lot of heart, soul and effort into the work… they don't go up for sale very often and it's usually on their motion… not because someone requests to buy one.

I couldn't accurately put a figure on it… but I'm not sure $10,000 would be enough… and in addition, what's your experience with these things? Are you aware of the things you'll have to go through with the Police and likely local authority? If you get an Ecto with blue lights, will your state's Police Force have a problem with this? Do you have the enlarged storage area to hold an Ecto replica? Do you have funds for repairs or in the unlikely event you get a Caddy Ecto, find and source replacement original parts?

I would strongly recommend spending a great deal of time considering your position before saying you want to buy one, any one.

I'm going to shift this to Marketplace now.

by secrecyguy

18 years ago

You may think $10,000 is lots of money but people going to just laugh at you and it's pocket change to them who owns it and people who owns the vehicle that is not Ecto replica.

To give you an idea how much those cars are worth, just the vehicle itself in a showroom finish is going for more than $40,000. A 1961 vehicle that was used for display as an ambulance at a race track was going for close to $7,000 and it may have gotten to $10,000 if he didn't took it off of Ebay early.

Once you get the vehicle, you may have to restore it. Than you have to get all the equipment which does not come cheap.

It's also not cheap to maintain it either and the parts are expensive since it is hard to get.

If you only have $10,000 to spend, I recommend just get yourself a 80's or 90's wagon and make that into an Ecto. In fact, someone got a free wagon and he made it into an Ecto. It's not that bad looking either. He did a good job on it.